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glimmer of hope?

My husband got his dosage increased and is now taking an extended release pill and it shows. We've been able to have conversations that even if we don't agree, its not a fight. He's also set reminders in his phone to take 15 minutes to just come talk to me. Yesterday he worked two jobs and still made a bee line for me when he got home and gave me a kiss and told me I looked nice. I was making class treats for our daughters kindergarten class and he came and helped me with that without being asked. I also noticed that when we disagree it doesn escalate to world war III.

Taking Charge Of Mother's Day

This is a personal hope, so I'm posting it here.

Despite what "is" my marriage I'm learning about the reclaiming self part.

Please don't think it's a downer, no matter how it starts out. It's a personal triumph.

Historically, in terms of my marriage, this has typically been one of the most emotionally devastating holidays for me.

Gender matters; and so do our individual traits


I am the non-ADD spouse and I am a woman.  Even though I am the non-ADD spouse, I have the following traits:  1) I do not think I am perfect.  2) I do not think that all the problems in my marriage were caused by my ADD husband.  3) I have low self-esteem.  4) I do not enjoy mothering my husband.  

Temper Like a Tornado

My wife and I are recently married (2011). Before and after that, I have endured her explosive temper on more occasions than I can count. Most of the time it is over small stuff. For example, this morning I didn't give the cats enough food in their dishes, didn't let one of them drink water out of the bathtub faucet, and accidentally let one in our bedroom (shouldn't be in there). I was about to leave for work and she was still getting ready. She yelled at me for the cat food, cat water, and not getting the cat out of the bedroom immediately; that she would be late to work because of me.

Beyond angry & frustrated...simply over it

Today is my wedding anniversary and I'm frankly tired of my husband giving me an attitude.  He simply can't help himself.  I take his abuse whenever he wants to dish it and I'm tired of saying "its ok" or "I understand". He really has ruined me, my life and doesn't give an f**k about me.  I don't mean to curse but to put my anger in perspective I will make this brief.  My husband moved out 2 years ago because he couldn't deal with our existing living situation which was being a husband and going to work!


Hi I am a 23 year old guy I'm struggling to understand and control my ADHD I am on the edge of loosing my girlfriend. She's doesn't understand about It and how it effects my life or are relationship. She's not talking to me and she's saying it's over but I think she's going to give me one lasts chance if I give her space but I am struggling to keep my distance. I no she loves me but need time to calm down but I need help understanding and controlling my ADHD please help 

GENDER matters!!!!


I am a 46-year-old ADD working wife and mother of 3.  My husband of 18 years does not have ADD.  I am new to this website and I'm very optimistic that it is going to be such a helpful resource for myself as well as for my marriage. I have read several posts in a variety of categories and I have also listened to the audio version of the first 2 chapters of Melissa's wonderful book, which was SO insightful!!!

From the brink of divorce to hope for the future

Not even a week ago, I was ready to divorce my husband.  I only work part-time so I've been applying for full-time jobs like crazy and planning my escape.  And then something wonderful happened.  My husband started on Concerta.  The first couple of days he was irritable and he would say "I'm sorry I'm being so irritable".  At first I thought "here we go again" because he took Adderall and it was a disaster.  And then I realized - he had apologized to me.  Sincerely.  Without being prompted.  It was working.  The next day, we took the kids out to a moonbounce place and he was pr

Please someone talk me off the ledge!

This is the letter that I just wrote to our ADHD Coach. She is also our marriage counselor. He's ADHD and I'm the Non. This weekend I have just met my match. I'm done thinking that it's possible for him to give me even remotely what I need. I've done everything in my power to keep this marriage a float. I won't do it anymore. It's too hard, it's taking too much of a toll. It's simply not healthy for me but can I do this to my 6 year old. How can I possibly do this to her. I keep our home so low conflict that she simply won't see this coming.
