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Back to therapy... I don't know if that's good or bad??

Well after a year of 'calm' and the most peaceful quiet and 'normal' years in our relationship it feels like it's all starting to slip backward again and I am getting nervous and anxious about what's to come. My husband has been diagnosed with adhd and a mood disorder? and some form of PTSD. We haven't been told he's bipolar but his sister is and I don't know if his extremes are that intense or not to say that's the case. 

DH comes home tomorrow after being out of town for 6 days

My DH (ADHD spouse) has been out of town since Weds night.  I am a SAHM so I do appreciate him being the breadwinner, dealing with the boys when I ask so I can have a break, and things like that. But I must admit, it has been VERY nice to have a break from the crazy-train. No parenting inconsistencies, no broken promises, no communication roadblocks, no judgement (oh, he judges my parenting so much!), no one cramping my style so to speak. It's been very calm and enjoyable. The boys have been wonderful, especially my 8 yo.


There is some fear in leaving my ADHD husband.  He seems to live in the present with no regrets, no worries for the future, he lies to cover up things or to keep me uninformed of his activities/non-activity, and he has a distorted vision of what he does and what he says.  Things don't make sense.  Sometimes even within one sentence he contradicts himself and sees no wrong in what he says.  Now I realize I have been manipulated from the very beginning but I always WANTED to believe him and believe in him.

Are these traits common in relationship with ADHD??

I have been with my boyfriend for a little over two years.  He has 3 kids and I have 2 kids and we have one son together.  We live together and split custody with our ex's.  We have a rollercoaster relationship.  We get a long great at times and we both feel so close to each other and very happy.  Then he says or does something very hurtful and we go down-hill for however long it takes us to reconnect. He is very sarcastic and likes to say things to get a rise out of me.  Sometimes I know when he is doing it, and other times the things he says are very hurtful and I'm not for sure if he mea


I am coming up on a crossroads in my life.  I have a husband that loves me more than anything and I know that.  But in the midst of dealing with his issues relating to (non-diagnosed) ADHD and life in general I do not like what I have become.  I need space and time alone to find myself and get back to what I once was which will help our lives more than anything else.  The rub?  I know that a separation will destroy him.  Even if I explain that this is what we need to help our marriage survive he will see it as an end and give up.  So, once again, I am putting his needs before mine.  I am ta

feeling strange,confuse and stupid!

I feel so strange,very strange and uncomfortable also very stupid,I don't know what to do, I am confuse,he confuses me,and he has me thinking the pain would go away when it is still right there.He hurts me a lot and he can't see how much he is hurting me,I love him to much to be true,I was always able to leave a past boyfriend before who even tempted to cause me pain but,this one is hard for me, I am so not happy.I am not happy now, and then tomorrow I am, and then again "mix feelings" I am always having these mix feelings,Today I woke up knowing the day would be strange and uncomfortable,T

Like walking on eggshells or diffusing a bomb

First of all, I appreciate Melissa's words and experience, and all of the people on this site so much. All of you dealing with ADHD in your marriages, your advice and experiences are getting me through the days right now. I wish I could buy each of you a cup of coffee or something:-)

I am so mired in a morass of sadness and helplessness that at the moment, I don't know where I went. I would appreciate any ideas anyone out there has. May be random, and long, but here goes: 

Please, tell me there is HOPE, please tell me I'm not destined to selflessly serve this "monster" for the rest of my life.....

Where do I begin? From the beginning I suppose. My husband and I met about 4 years ago, I was recently divorced and had an 8 week old baby boy from my ex who high tailed it into the military and is still not in my sons life. So what did my husband do, he took my son in as his own :) I was IN LOVE with this man.
