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Where Did I Go?

I keep asking myself where I went.  It sounds strange but it is a nagging question that I have.  I was once happy, loved change and adventure and appreciated what people did for me.  I used to always make time for my hobbies and even just time to myself.  That has all changed.  Over the years I have become someone that I do not recognize.  I find that I am constantly complaining and that there is very little in my life that brings me joy.  My child is essentially the one bright spot that I have and I even find that I get very short tempered and aggravated with him.  I know that the issues i

he Lies about everything,

My spouse lies for everything possible you could think about"little" and "big" the little things tend to piss me off,right now I am pissed off! tell me why bother lying in the first place,is it AN ADHD trait? I guess so! I am very furious right now, I need a moment to recheck my memory about certain incidents, and figure out why this has to even be a circumstance beyond his control.I went to the " seafood outlet" to purchase shrimps to cook a meal for lunch, now now this has happened, and the lady said to me"oh how are you?

I couldn't do it anymore

I got into a relationship with a wonderful woman almost 3 years ago.  It was amazing, she was my soulmate.  She was understanding, sweet, impulsive, up for anything, and I thought just beautiful.  It was a romance that could not be replicated.  The sex?  Forget it.  The best ever.  Never more connected with a person.  It was like that for about a year and a half when all of a sudden in the beginning of last year she got a new job and was learning how to become a personal trainer (not at all related to her job field, but something she wanted to do).

ADHD INTENSE compulsion to "say one more thing"?

A CONSTANT struggle for me when having a discussion with my husband is to quickly just tell him "one more thing" or try/want to explain my position better so that he "gets it."

Example: we have an argument about something and I tell him I need to pause and "think about it." (A tool that I need because I can't process quickly). A few minutes later, he hears me typing away on my computer and says:

The Anxiety That surrounds The Issue Of Lack Of Marital Relations

So, I've touched on this a bit in responding to others.

One thing I'll reiterate is that if this wasn't an anonymous forum I doubt I could even brave talking about it.

I'm feeling extremely anxious. I'm guessing some of the wives in similar situations will relate.

Others would laugh at what I'm about to say next.

I am completely anxious and fearful. My husband and I had the rarity of sex four times last week. That truly never happens. I don't even remember when it happened last. I just know what comes next...

today is the starting of a long weekend here at my state,

What to expect from DH this weekend,well it's simple to say LOOK OUT!!! big fights coming!!!!,should I stay into the comforts of my own home and be missing him? or should I go and just learn how to handle it maturely? well a few weeks ago I would have gone at DH apartment without even thinking this through,but now I know different, I am thinking it through and still very Happy to share the long weekend with him!Opps!!!!! LOOK OUT! the mood swings!!  the tantrums,fights,accusations,hell the "blame game" what to do?

ADHD and the mental background of the non-ADHD,

okay I have been doing a lot of researches and then I came up with my own strategy in dealing with the man I love soo very much "BUT" to not let his ADHD affect "me" mentally,physically,emotionally and so on, also,I really would like to use the terms "US" but really if you dig deeper in to the minds of an ADHD person "US" is never really there,just "you",firstly let me say this post is to help "both" ADHD and non- ADHD on this forum.


1)continue to live one day "as they say",at a time (sweet Jesus),and never let your guard down.
