Recent forum posts (all topics)

Adderal Shortage?

If having ADHD were not frustrating enough now there seems to be a National shortage of Adderall. After going to 1/2 dozen different drug stores I was told that my time released Adderall is back ordered with the manufacturer and that I would need to get a different script from the doctor. I got a new prescription and they told me they could only fill 15 days worth and now I have to call and get another prescription. The frustration is mutiplying and I am not sure what the answer is. Why is it so hard to get the meds my daughter and I have been doing so well with?

Encouraging my newly diagnosed ADD spouse

My husband and I have been married for going on 6 years next month and have been together just over 7 years all together. I was diagnosed as ADHD as a young child, as were my 3 siblings, but at the time because my mother and the doctor went about dealing with it with a non-medicated behavioral route we were just diagnosed as hyperactive so that the schools at least had warning in our school records.

The Pivotal Moment


As an elementary teacher, one important concept that I teach my students is the "pivotal moment", where I have each kid write a journal about the day/event that the “conductor snapped out of his daze long enough to switch tracks and take the train in a better direction.” (yes, we had just learned about analogies).

ADD/ADHD individuals not welcome here

"Your last two sentences are classic of what the majority of us non's endure being married to an ADHDer. Yes, this was all MY fault...and you are 100% right. Feel better?"

This comment was made to me by another member on this forum because I had the audacity to suggest that perhaps the subject of Tourette's was better left to a co-morbidity thread and maybe not discussed in terms of being similar to ADHD because Tourette's has its own issues and complexities not understood by the community at large. Just to clarify, my son has Tourette's

ADHD in Middle and Senior years

I've not been able to read the entire collection of comments on this site. So I will, first, apologize if my topic is a redundant one. I'm looking for information on managing ADHD in the senior years. We both have concerns about the side effects and risks associated with medicating. My husband did not want to work with Adderall due to risks and the side effects experienced when he tried it at age 40. His diagnosis was "Moderate ADHD". Does someone have experience with managing ADHD in the senior years?

Bike Racing and Training = Focus for me


Since 1987 I have been training on a racing bike and I find this has been a huge help in assisting me to concentrate over a sustained period of time.

As I get bored easily, I've had to quit jobs regularly, especially office type 9-5 jobs, all of which have caused me immense frustration and, at times impatient reactions to the content and personalities involved in these bland jobs.

I have managed to schedule my life around biking, racing and teaching (always on my feet moving around).

Has Anyone Tried Using ADHD Coach?

If you have tried an ADHD Coach, please explain how it works and whether you liked it?  Do they give assignments or answer questions or what?  I am considering finding one to help me, but I am not sure what to expect or look for.  My counselor has been great, but she mostly helps me work through my feelings and change my "inner voice" so I am not beating myself up all the time.  She does not really offer much practical advice or tips other than encouraging me to figure out what works FOR ME and do that.

What is your strategy for limiting computer time?


I am trying to begin using some tips and suggestions that I have found in various ADHD books to treat some of my symptoms.  One of my biggest issues is extreme HYPERFOCUS.  I can get really obsessed about something and cannot seem to balance it with other areas of my life.  One of the ways that I really struggle with this is trying to make myself get OFF the computer after a reasonable length of time.  I can surf for HOURS and it feels like minutes!  This frequently interferes with other things I need to do (like going to bed at night!  It is 12:10am right now.).
