Things have taken a turn for the worse here...
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Things have taken a turn for the worse here...
Let me start out by saying that I consider myself extremely lucky to have an ADHD partner who manages his ADHD freakishly well and that we are in a very long long distance relationship which cannot end for another year or so due to previously made and important commitments. Despite this we have a spectacular relationship, which like any relationship has had it's ups and major downs, but unlike any other relationship that I've ever been in I've never questioned that he is my happily ever after. I know, without a doubt, that we are meant to be together.
My husband was diagnosed with ADHD when he was a child. I believe he was put on medication, but I'm not really sure because he won't talk about it at all. Now he believes he's grown out of it and it doesn't affect him at all. I can see that it's not true, but he can't. How can you possibly convince someone to seek diagnosis and treatment if they don't think they have a problem?
I am the wife to a husband who has ADD and I am at the threshold of stepping over my husband's ADD and out of our marriage. Since day one, we have been through things occurring over and over. We've been married for almost 7 years, and since the beginning when things happen....it's my fault. With just recently getting diagnosed with ADD over a year ago, I was a fool to think things would get better. They do get better, but not for long before something happens or is said that is.....wait for it.........wait for it........yes, it's my fault! I can say left, he'll say I said right!
I'm pruning this post, I admit to how dumb I sound and how wrong my behavior has been.
Every time I read this board I cry, cry and cry. I cry out of sadness, anger, confusion, and denial. The man I love with every bit of me decided that he was leaving because he was no longer interested in me; he felt that there was no romantic feeling in our relationship. I swear that every time I look at the ”six signs that ADHD is apart of your relationship” I feel like this is why my relationship didn't work. I wish he would read this board, do some research and STOP asking his friends for advice! My now ex-boyfriend was diagnosed with ADHD in his adult years.
I would be very interested in hearing some discussion on situations where both partners have ADHD.
Hi everyone.
So here I am again...feeling sad and hopeless. My husband and I got into another argument over the phone and he hung up on me.
I'm at work and I am loathing going home. The rest of the day will be filled with upset and wasting hours of time being upset and defensive and not solving the initial problem until we are both so off topic and tired of arguing that we just go to sleep exhausted and with my husband feeling like nothing ever got solved and me secretly happy about it being over and hoping it will be forgotten about.