Recent forum posts (all topics)

The breaking point has begun

I am tired, mad, sad, angry and frustrated! I have put up with ridiculous behavior from my ADHD husband for far too long.  My children can even recognize the unreasonable behavior their father displays, and they are 9 and 6.  How can a 9 and 6 year old have better sense, reason and logic than their father?  These kids are also better at loving, caring for and being nice to others than their father.

Trying Not to Find ADHD in Everyone


I have been a member of this website for a while now and continue to visit regularly even though I am no longer with my ADHD partner. The main reason I continue to come here is because I believe this is a supportive community full of strong, strong people who work so hard everyday to make the sometimes impossible, possible. I come here because you all provide me with a certain comfort and understanding that is hard for others to grasp that have not dealt with the relationship issues we have.

Is it Possible for Him to Turn it Around?

My marriage is in a pretty dire state right now and I have been reading posts by others whose husbands have been in denial about their AD/HD. It seems like in many of the posts I have read the couples ended up separating permanently as the AD/HD husband never saw the need to change.  My question is: Is it even possible that my husband might "see the light" and get treatment?

Help with Work & Insurance Claim - Keeps getting denied!

Like some others out there, my husband is having a hard time at work.  His ADD combined with anxiety & depression have left him off work at the moment.  He has lost a job in the past due to all of this as well.  He just cannot seem to cope.  He is about to lose his current job as well.  He has been denied disability through his insurance company.  We are so frustrated & at a loss.  Has anyone else experienced this?  The insurance company keeps saying to send in more documentation.  How much more do they want?!  Unfortunately Dr.'s are not always the bast at writing letters for thi

How Adderall affects relationships

I am in a long term relationship with someone with ADD. He takes Adderall on a somewhat varied but predictable schedule. Most weekdays when he attends school or work he takes it in the morning, but on the weekends he prefers not to. This habit of his really caused problems in the beginning. I couldn't seem to figure out who he really was. When he took the medicine he was calm, relaxed, focused, and polite. He didn't always pay attention to me, and his mind always seemed to be focused on something else. On the other hand, on the weekends he became very rowdy and obnoxious.

ADHD Couple in Business Together


My ADHD-inattentive-type husband of 12 years and I, a non-ADHD wife, are considering buying a small business and working together.  We have no kids, BTW.  My thought is that if he can hyper-focus on a product and use his natural charm with people, and I can do what I do best...focusing on the money, admin, organization, etc. then we might be able to make it work.  My husband is pretty aware of his ADHD tendencies/weaknesses and works pretty hard to manage himself and at least do what is absolutely critical to stay on top of things.

What to do??? Please help

feel like I’m at the end of my rope with my ADHD husband. His anger issues have gotten the best of me. I try and try but no matter what, it is always “my fault”. Last night, he was physically abusive to me. He is constantly mentally and verbally abusive. He has issues with other family members as well but always finds ways to blame everybody else. I’m at work now and I don’t even want to go home. I’ve asked him to go to anger management – he says no. I’m tired of walking on eggshells around him.


When I was 33 years old and in my last semester (of many) before obtaining my bachelor's degree I was officially diagnosed with ADHD by a graduate student in the campus psychology clinic. I made my "big discovery" the previous year but it took me a year of struggles and raging against the reality of what my life had been for nearly three decades before I sought professional help.

My wife (the best on the planet) was all my prayers answered and not so ironically a special ed teacher. She helped me a great deal in the initial months and in the years since.
