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Where to draw the line?

My husband and I have been separated for 5 months.  There were a few reasons for the separation (which I will briefly mention later) but since the separation I've tried to move on with my life.  My husband pushed me away through his actions and words.  My question to other married couples dealing with an ADHD spouse is:

1) am I abandoning my husband or not trying hard enough if I move on?

project after project

My husband built a garage about 2 to 3 years ago.  He wanted a garage for almost 16 years before he actually got it built.  It is a huge garage, 40X60, to be exact and we live on an acre lot.  He has accumulated so many old junk vehicles and treasures to him that we got in trouble with planning and zoning.  He avoided the letters for a very long time until this past year they sent us certified letters about the matter and now I am dealing with something I had nothing to do with but because My name is on the deed I am responsible for his doing.  He blames Planning and Zoning not himself fo

Getting the ADHD person to realize or stop and ask if they really do have the desease

I've been married for 10 years and it hasn't been an easy 10 years.  Many things have taken place.  I left him for 3 months this year and finally moved home but still not convinced I want to stay married to him.  I have read some of your book that just came out, the 6 signs.  But after reading most of it it made me agree.  He was the one who should read it first because he agreed he would read it.  I have done my research but if he doesn't believe what I say it won't do us any good.  I'm so tired and don't know if it is worth my time and frustrations to work this out.  I have a temper any

Is it his ADHD or is he just bad ?

My boyfriend returned to work after a month of vacation. We work for the same company, but he works offshore. Sometimes if we communicate ,its via e-mail,maybe the phone. Off work, he has to call, cos its offshore. Otherwise, there's the e-mail. Get this , in his month of vacation, he didn't call or e-mail once. When I asked him after his return, he said he was sick and forwarded his credit card bill and prescription.But I know he was doing a few transactions online for his business ( on the side). So he hyperfocused on that, and forgot to call and let me know he's alive. Fine.

Is it ADD or sexist role stereotyping?

My husband and I fight all the time about his refusal to do what needs doing in the house. I need help!!

For background, I married a sweet man who would do anything for me. He drove me to work and home while we were dating (2 60-mile trips each day). He is gentle and sweet and did not come across to me as a male chauvinist pig who expected the woman to do all the work.

Does anyone else know that you/your ADHD spouse has ADHD? Extended family? Friends?

Do others know about your or your spouse's ADHD?  Is this something you willingly told them?  Does the ADHDer like people to know or keep it a secret?  What kinds of reactions have you received from people finding out?


How to approach my husband about his ADHD

            Hello, I've been married for 8yrs. My partner has been dedicated to his military career for 13 years,and I have been having lots of issues with our marriage as a whole.  I have known for a long time about my husbands ADHD. It was diagnosed when he was a child.  I admit I haven't dealt with this very well and from this (ADHD,Military career, and my own diagnose of colon cancer). I have sought out help from a family practitioner about being put on meds.

Marriage Counselor in Rhode Island



My husband has ADD and we are having a lot of the problems that are described here. It is a relief to find this website and have what I am going through validated. 

We are at the point where we need to find a good marriage counselor, or we will end up breaking up. From reading the material available here, it seems that not every marriage counselor knows how to deal with the specific issues of a marriage where a spouse has ADD. It seems that counseling can make it worse unless the counselor has experience dealing with these very specific issues. 

Question about untreated ADD

I keep reading from members here that they feel their spouses ADD has gradually gotten worse over time, and blame this on the condition being left untreated. Is this common? Does being left 'untreated' include medication? My husband is trying to avoid meds, and I am 100% supportive of that decision. I am VERY gun shy when it comes to meds. For years he was mis-diagnosed and given anti-depressants and they ALWAYS made him very moody and irritable and MUCH worse than without them.
