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My Personal 12 Commandments

Recently there was a complaint that there were not enough positive posts around here, so I thought I would do one.  I recently read a book called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  It's really good, and has a neat framework for thinking about small ways you can create more happiness in your life.  One of the things she did was to create her "12 Commandments," or her personal rules/values to live by.  So I thought I would make my own and share them here.  Please keep in mind that living these commandments is a work-in-progress for me, but they do give me some guideposts to

need support and a hug please

tonite my ADD husband came home and I CALMLY told him that I should take over the finances and he should get an allowance each week.  He told me "I don't know if you are responsible enough to handle the finances".  I assured him that I was and asked him what amount would he find reasonable (I really tried to keep it together).  He told me $XX amount a week which is already what he is OVER spending.  I told him that was too much and he got mad and said "why didn't you just pick an amount for me!?".  I told him that I honestly thought he would NOT pick the current amount he is spending as a

how to address

ySo, I've known about my ADD since I was 12 but only started really trying to deal with it a few years ago with the births of my children. I've tried a lot done the two steps forward 1-2 steps back thing. Recently started viewing add issues as an addiction and have been attempting a twelvish step program. In short I feel like I've been trying really hard to be a better partner and father. But I feel like I can't ask anything of my SO without being reminded of how terrible I was... with backsliding sometimes was means last week.

Miss Behaven and Normal Mom One and the Same


For those of you who have been concerned about the tone of voice used by "Miss Behaven" lately, you may remember an episode some time ago when we uncovered a person at the website who was posting fraudulently here - claiming things about herself that weren't true, posing as two different people who would then get into arguments with each other that would upset many people in the forum, etc.  One of the "names" for that person was "Normal Mom" and she is back - this time in the "role" of Miss Behaven and, also, CrazyDave (a new character who hasn't had much time to post yet).

New and feeling alone


I'm new to the forums (been lurking for a while) and I'm feeling very alone so I felt it was time to post.  I hope I'm in the right spot. 

A bit of history - my DH was diagnosed w/ADHD, anxiety and "mild depression" around March of '09.  We were referred to a psychologist from our marriage counselor as she felt he might be bi-polar.  My son (10) is also ADHD and was diagnosed when he was around 6 yrs. old.  We also share another son (3) and we have been married for 11+ yrs.

Is anyone on this forum married with no kids?


I wonder if there are any others like me here who have an ADHD marriage but no kids.  I've been reading here and it seems like most people have kids which I can imagine would make the whole situation much more difficult and overwhelming.  Though I see our situation in so much of what I've read - and my husband is so much like ADD descriptions - it also doesn't seem like we have it anywhere near as "bad" as what others describe.   I'm not sure if that's because we don't have kids to complicate matters or if we've just found a way to tolerate our differences or if my husband's ADD tendencie
