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I need a list for the list!

I've been trying to reading books and read the forum and I'm trying follow some of the advice given.  One of the main ones that keeps coming up is "make a list".  Earlier this week I had some me time (per our counselor) so I sat down with my DH before I left and we agreed on what he would do that night while I was gone.  When I got home - none of the 4 items had been done.  I asked him if there was anything I could do to help him remember.  He replied "a list would be great". 

**banging my head against the wall**

ADHD and Travel

Hi Folks, Hoping you all can help. I've been together with my girlfriend for 6 years and it has been very rocky. I suspect she has ADHD and exhibits conflict seeking behavior and is never on time for anything. I have asked her to come to counseling with me, but when I tried to set it up, it didn't fit with her schedule. I gave her the counselors contact info and tried to get her to set it up 3 times and that was 5 months ago and still no progress. She refuses to even discuss the possibility that she has ADHD and gets angry when I bring up the topic.

He left our newborn baby in the car.....

So the other night at about 3am, I'm feeding our 5 week old baby in our bedroom.  My ADD husband finally comes upstairs to go to bed.  He comes in and has this "look" on his face...a look he gets when he's really guilty about something.  He admits to me that when he took our baby to the store to buy some ice cream that evening, he forgot/left her in the car.  He didn't tell me all evening.  When he told me, I was half asleep so at first it was hard to comprehend and I know I didn't react as strongly than I would have fully awake (maybe he knew that??).  It was, thank GOODNESS, a very shor

Need help

After reading about the symptoms I suffer from everyone of them.  I know my wife is fustrated by my adhd.  I feel terrible that she has to go through this.  I am willing to do whatever it takes to get better.  God knows I do not want to live life like this anymore.  I am not really sure how to get started.  Please help. Desparate.

What were the teen years like for your ADHD spouse (or yourself, the ADHD spouse)?

I'm real curious what the teen years were like for other ADHDers.  My ADHD husband didn't have the best years.  For most of his teen years he was EXTREMELY hyperfocused on one particular girl.  He was truly obsessed with her and he put so much time and energy and thought into dreaming about her, he wasn't able to experience any other things that a teen should experience.  It made it so he wasn't able to develop his social skills, grades weren't great despite his being very smart.  Everything else in his life suffered b/c of it.  He did very little about his feelings as far as actually wan

ADD husband has two different personalities?

My husband--the guy largely in denial about his condition, takes an ADD med but will not enter into any sort of ADD therapy, etc.--doesn't seem to have made a habit out of taking his medication. Before we separated, I would notice that when things would get stressful, he would have two very different personalities: one who was loving, sweet, honest, generous, and understanding, and another who was a stubborn, selfish, illogical, pathological liar.
