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Adhd person thinks that you're the one that has a problem and he is always right I

I  have been with my boyfriend for 18 yrs we have son 14 I knew for years my boyfriend had trust issues his previous wife cheated on him with his friend.  Which was nd still isiss  always being accused of doing something that I didn't do say cheating on him or whatever I never have then he say why you getting so defensive which made him think due to guilt no it s due too innonencee   constantly trying to defend myself the issue would resolve only when he was done with it angry person name calling short tempered outbursts and always wondering if you got his back and am  I loyal.

I don't know what to do with ADHD ex-boyfriend(?) anymore

I just want to say that I'm glad I found this website as I found the posts and articles here are quite helpful,

I really would like some advice to understand my situation better, as I am very confused at this point because I do not know what is the right thing to do.

Relationship falling apart

I feel I am at a loss for words with my boyfriend and I need some insight into how ADHD may be affecting my relationship. 

Almost a year ago I began dating my boyfriend exclusively. We had been friends for a couple of years prior and I would question his promptness to events and even questioned if I felt I would be able to be in a relationship with someone who is always late. He was so sweet and genuine and I believed he adored me so dealing with his chronic lateness seemed worth it to me. 

24 years in, I want OUT

Hello all. New hear, been lurking a good while. Short version: Married 24 years. DId not know he was an alcoholic or that he had ADHD back then. Years of dealing w his bad choices, everything from the alcoholism, temper tantrums, many, many jobs, along with the frosting on the cake, infidelity a few years ago. Multiple attempts on my part to engage him in treatment. He is under the care of psychiatrist for depression and ADHD. Well, he gets the pills anyway. Therapy not productive bc of lying to his therapist, as well as our marriage counselor.

27th anniversary and I am not excited anymore

I used to love the idea of our anniversary. It was exciting. I was talking it up months before and sometimes couldn't wait until that day to give it to him. This is when I was co-dependent (I am a recovering co-dependent) and when I felt that by me being the perfect wife, everything would be ok. I bought him gifts very often, anytime I saw something he would love. Fast forward. He is not a gift giver. So I have stopped giving him gifts and saved the money for what I want or need. That gets disappointing when you are the only one that puts your all into something.


Ok, I finally decided that it may be best for my health and well being to post to a blog in hopes to get some insight from other married couples. I recently married my husband after being together a short year and now we have a baby on the way. 

There is no doubt in my mind that I love him. He means well, he try's and I believe he loves me. 

The inability to Bond...Limited Openness.

Are you in a marriage relationship that you and your spouse's differences have made it impossible to achieve the healthy bond you should have? After 9 years I've found it almost impossible to experience a healthy bond. Mostly due to Independence vs Interdependence...Independent living by one or both spouses makes agreements difficult, and it severely limits unity and trust.

ADHD marrige vs Non-ADHD marrige

I have been married 20 years to my ADHD husband and I had no idea our struggles were due to ADHD! I just thought he was selfish and inattentive.. I just didn't know enough to know they were different types... I recognize us in every single ADHD section of the book... I went through all emotions reading the book, but mostly relived since I have dealt with constant scrutiny that there is something wrong with me and was considering taking anxiety medication in order to stay married.... Sure I have turned into that nagging, untrusting wife ..
