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beyond frustrated

Just found out this morning that husband is still  $10,000 in debt even tho he told me last year that he had paid it all off. I want to leave him now more than ever. 

We've been married for almost ten years and I am exhausted and exasperated by his constant claims of "helplessness" and "incompetence" which until very recently were very successful in getting me to be responsible for everything.

He can't find anything, he can't remember anything, he can't get anywhere on time, everything is "too hard" for him. 

Long story but I really need help badly: new here (my friend had undiagnosed ADD) and very frustrated

Hi everyone,

I live in the Netherlands (where the only ADD forum for adults is very inactive, hence my trying here for support and ideas) and my boyfriend of two years had undiagnosed ADD.

Stop making excuses!

I have posted on here a few times, and it's been awhile since my last post. I think my last few posts were about how my husband and I were going to separate, after 12 years of marriage. We have 4 kids together and a house. That was several months ago, and fast forward to now. He finally moved out in January. I was looking forward to him moving out, so we could move on with our lives, but I was also very scared. In the end, it has gone really well, so far, and most of my fears were unnecessary. The hardest part, was telling the kids. The two oldest (12 &10) seem to be doing fine.


This is my first post on this forum which I have been following from the side lines for some time now. I even bought Melissa's book on ADHD and marriage. I have been with my partner for almost 4 years now. He grew up in an orphanage where he was emotionally and sexually abused as a child. Has been a heroine addict, then an alcoholic. When we met, he was on his way to rehab. I have tried every which way to help and assist this man, and it has not all be futile. He was diagnosed as having ADHD early 2016 and started on Concerta.

Pain - His or mine?

If a husband is motivated by his pain and not yours, then you’ve got to think through how to help him experience that pain—pain not caused by you, but as a consequence of his actions. This is such a crucial distinction: you are not to intentionally cause him pain; rather, you’re stopping your previous practice of rescuing him from the painful consequences of the foolish choices he is making.   ...Gary Thomas, Counselor.

advice on how to change MY mindset

I need some advice:  clearly all of us are posting here because we are unhappy.  For myself, I have run out of things to try and I am done trying to fix my marriage.  There is no marriage.  We are roommates and nothing more.  Having said can I change MY mindset to be a more positive person overall.  It is a real struggle for me right now.  During the Lenten season I try to not only give up something (TV after 8pm) but also doing something.  I am not comfortable in my own house, I look for reasons to stay out, which is not fair to my sons (ages 15 and 17).
