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how to let it go??

So unlike Elsa, I am not able to "let it go".  I have been through years of therapy--alone and together with DH--and all I feel is cheated out of 22 years of my life.  I look at photos of me with my boys when they were little and I can barely remember that person, the person that loved her sons with abandon, told her husband he was the man of her dreams and happily did whatever needed to be done without complaint.  Now...I am a bitter, angry, tired, overweight, jaded 47 year old.

Self-esteem gone- is this normal?!

Hi everyone...first time posting grateful to find others that may understand.

My husband and I have been together ten years with ups and downs. As a whole for the first few years it was a fairy tale. We first met in sixth grade and had been friends on an off for years, finally getting together in our late 20's. He's kind, creative, gentle, basically an answer to prayer.


After disaster, trying a new approach to ADHD- a medical food!

I have a teen with Autism and ADHD and various health issues like causing most of these labels. While he has done well on Propanolol for anxiety and aggression, he still struggles alot with ADD/ADHD type symptoms. We were going to try out Strattera for him, but since we hadn't hit our insurance deductible it was going to cost us $400 plus per month, which is ridiculous. Strattera doesn't even have the best reviews and he cannot tolerate stimulants and Tenex had limited effectiveness for him. 

There are no happy memories to reflect on in our marriage.

Just realized that there are no happy memories in our marriage to look back on. At least not for me. He left me to handle an impossible load all on my own with our family. And I do mean impossible. I have health issues of my own that have affected me significantly. Both of our kids were diagnosed with PANDAS, a form of Autoimmune Encephalitis. One is on the Autism Spectrum. This means sick children with major behavior issues. I have always had to work, manage all their care, the bulk of the house, medical issues, the school and SPED paperwork/meetings, etc.


Hello all. Well, I have spent a lot of time on this forum, read the book, and frankly, it has gotten me no where! lol! (Not the forum's fault by any means). After my souses' adhd diagnosis, and drug variety, we were left devastated. I think he believes that the adhd (and all that comes with it) is why we are "too different". The more research, the more drugs, the more people he met with adhd, the worse our relationship got. I was never "doing the right thing" or I was "always out to hurt him". There were serious rage/ anger issues that were unpredictable, frightening, and abusive.

Spouse has ADHD and I am now depressed

I did not know he had this for the first year we were together, I just knew he had organization, memory and other issues.  I accepted and blew it off.  I'm a type A Personality so it was not noticed as much.

However, things started falling apart in our lives.  Illnesses, death of family members, job losses, and his condition really came to the forefront because I needed him to help more.

(Former) Partner with ADHD "Can't Form Personal Connections"

Those are his words, but I believe they're accurate.  He told me this weekend that he knows this is true because he prefers sitting with his mom, who has late-stage Alzheimer's disease and can't process communication, than being with his dad (and, presumably, with me). In a way, this doesn't matter anymore (we're now divorced), but it still hurts.  I wonder if he ever told any of the several therapists he visited over the years that part of the problem was his inability to form connections and it wasn't only my fault that our relationship was rocky and his life wasn't going well.
