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Secrets, meanness, gas lighting... what makes this stop?

My husband is ADHD. He is taking medicine, but that is it. He thinks he's done the work in the past because he went to a therapist (but didn't tell him he had ADHD), framed me as a horrible wife for 3 months, and then left therapy. He basically went to therapy to get some ammunition to use on me in fights. But, according to him, he has done "so much work" and he is tired of it. Now it is my turn, he says. Like I can stop the things he is doing to our family.

H has signed us up for marriage counseling.....

I have no problem with the idea of going.  I have gone before.  But....


Each time we've tried, the same things happen....


1) H wants to do ALL of the talking.  The therapist, at the beginning, will PROMISE that I will have a fair share of time, but no therapist has been able to achieve that goal.  H will typically interrupt me or call me a liar.  


Prescriptions For Happiness

I think this short book which can be read in full at this link, would be helpful to anyone including ADHD folks and those in relationship with them:

It all comes down to nonresistance.  And as we know, Jesus advised: "Resist not."


Prescriptions for Happiness:

Ken Keyes

Happiness Doctor




Im finally free of my ADHD partner....never again! I will never again accept the inequality of conditional obligation.

Forgiveness and letting go

I have turned a corner in my focus.  I am trying hard to stop my habit of 'being the victim". I am letting go of many thoughts and actions that had me tied to a life of negativity with H.  The "letting go" carries with it some grief and sadness because it was a way that I could feel "connected" to my husband. Being part of a loving union with someone holding hands through life.  He was rude, unconcerned, disconnected to me for over 40 years and I was trying to make it be something other than it was, I was trying to make HIM be something other than he was.

ADD husband always ruins holidays

This makes me so sad. I'm spending yet another Christmas alone because my ADD husband screamed at me, slammed the door in my face and left for a day. We live with his parents due to poverty, and I'm disabled living without teeth or denture (I need a bone graft we can't afford to wear a denture). I'm in a foreign country, unfamiliar state, can't really even walk far or get anywhere without help, and my inlaws don't really like me (they don't appreciate that I keep asking their son to get treatment because his ADD is "not a big deal", according to them.
