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External Locus of Control ... Negotiation and Conflict

I hadn't done this I looked up the differences between men and woman when it comes to the construct of Internal vs External Locus of control..and I ran across just one article that was enlightening to say the least.  Getting right to the heart of this matter as the article suggests........


Locus of Control, Coping, and Sex


How to make my ADD spouse my Ally, not my Enemy

I had a moment yesterday night... as I was sobbing in the phone to my husband (the result of two sleepless nights - no inciting cause for the insomnia and having only seen him 3 of the last 8 nights about 6 hours total, and no shared nights sleeping together). And after I hung up from my conversation with him, I was kicking myself. Because, while my "negotiations" (for lack of a better term - they aren't really fights anymore - although I have thrown things twice his month) are getting better, I still keep forgetting the rules I set out for myself:

My husband is bipolar, but the communication issues are the same...

My husband is diagnosed bipolar - I'm not sure of the specifics - and an addict. But, he's not ADHD, to my knowledge. I'm here because a google search on "I get angry with my husband and he turns it around on me" brought me here. There is a post by someone who wrote pretty much what I'm experiencing and feeling. I have to vent. I need to talk. I have a couple of friends, but they're having their own issues. I can also talk to my daughter, but that's so unfair to her because she also has her own issues.

I am defeated and lost don't know how else to save this

Hello! I have been educated by this site and the book for about 6 months. My husband and I are in our mid 40s and have been married 28 years. We fight every 2 weeks, every fight is an explosive one regardless of how it starts. I have social anxiety so this is not me to post but I read every day the frustration and I see progress and incredible support from members. I will do the best I can to edit but I will apologize in advance as I am not very good at short and sweet. 

Husband ruined vacation ~ even one that he didn't go on!

My husband ruins nearly every vacation, but always blames others (usually me) for getting very upset, getting drunk, etc.  


After awhile (I can be slow I realized that he doesn't do well away from the comforts and routine of home.  So, when I needed to travel for a family wedding (I hadn't seen my family in nearly 3 years!), we agreed that he would stay home and I would go alone.  


Calming Stress Relievers

Hi all, I'm new to the forum.  My H of over 20 years has ADD and recently accepted the diagnosis. I can defintely vent about ALL my frustrations and I've read several post and can relate to many comments.  I will comment in the future specifically but right now I need your help. I need calming techniques so that I can work with H on building our marriage back up again.  Just reading your comments makes me angry and I am tired of being so frustrated ALL THE TIME.  Can anyone out there suggest some great tips and techniques just to lower the stress and frustrations.

Just a vent...

So this is one of those moments that I KNEW I would have, where I am in that "what was I thinking" mode.  I still think I made the right decision to let him stay until March (or when he gets what he needs to go be on his own) - because I made that choice out of love.  But I certainly DO feel like he was making those changes, and following through on things etc to get me to let him stay - I feel like he manipulated me.  Because once that I did, he has really slacked off and gone back to how he used to be.  At this point, he contributes VERY little to the home regularly.  He does pay for his
