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Reaching the end of my rope..husband in denial

I've been married to an ADHD man for 2 years, together for 5. We have a toddler together and my older son from a previous relationship. At first I was too busy working full time, going to school full time, and being a parent to really notice his..odd behavior. When we first moved in together, things were great. We planned to get married. Then I started to see how bad what he called his 'anxiety' was- he constantly rearranged his kitchen cupboards, refrigerator, all of his stuff in the attic and garage and carport.

what to do when you can't rely on your spouse (or don't have a spouse anymore)

I hope this will be a thread for practical tips.  Mine right now:  dealing with yard work (raking).  I'm feeling overwhelmed in terms of time and my physical condition.  (I'm small, not very strong, and perhaps prone to exertion-induced migraine headaches.)  Should I lower my standards for myself or hire someone to help?  If the latter, a service or a neighborhood young person?  

Please feel free to post your suggestions and also your requests for practical guidance if you're lacking a spouse (either because you're not married or you're married but your spouse is AWOL).

THE SHOULDS.....and How did I get here?

I just saw the touring "The Book of Mormon" musical in the theater.  It was great and funny!  So much of it I identified with.  How I was TAUGHT to be who I was as a child in church to be afraid of hell and OBEY the matter who or what made the rules, I was conditioned to BELIEVE and TRUST them.  I was not a Mormon but some of the "rules" were similar in my upbringing.  

So Frustrated!

H's car is old.  Over 2 weeks ago, we learned that it would require a major repair, so H announced that he needed a new car.  Fine.  I had NO OBJECTION to that.  Days go by and H makes ZERO effort to look for another car.  When I ask, H says that he'll look "later".  Later never came.  A friend of one of our kids LOVES to look for cars, so he stays current with what's out there.  After a week went by, I asked this friend to recommend some cars.  The friend happily suggested some cars, even sending some links to look at. 


What is Love or Better...What isn't Love?


Most persons don’t realize this, but the common, or popular, view of “love” involves an element of receiving something. “I love chocolate” really means that “I enjoy getting the experience of the taste of chocolate.” Similarly, “I love you” commonly implies “I enjoy playing with your body,” or “I enjoy believing that you will give me security or protection,” or “I enjoy feeling sexual pleasure with your body” (or “I want to have sexual pleasure with your body.”) As a result, Lacan, in his teachings about love, described the typical act of love as “polymorphous perversion.” [5]

ADHD without treatment

I have a partner who is diagnosed (but he knew beforehand) with ADHD. Prior to being diagnosed he was my first boyfriend many years ago, now we are back together since march. Since this is not that long yet I am assuming that I am currently still experiencing the hyperfocus, I know I will be devastated when that will end.. but I know it will come.

7000 miles faraway from my ADHD and addict husband...need disperate help

Hello everyone,my name is Andreea Wardally and I discovered just 1 month a go that my husband have ADHD.We are separated right now because my work and documents for USA  by 7000 miles,I'm stuck in Italy (ROME),he is Florida.WE have to deal not just with 6 hours of difference  but as well with ADHD that he keep secret from the beginning and alcohol problems.One month a go his hyper focus attention  in US start to get low. Loosing  control of everything,dealing with his moods up and down,lies to cover his movements,talking about depression.

can NOBODY take responsibility in my house????

So tell me if I am being unreasonable.  A little background:  both of my sons and my DH are ADHD.  Right now only the 17 YO son is medicated.  He is a 6'4" tall senior in high school, worked full time all summer and now works part time in addition to school.  He has a girlfriend who I ADORE and she is over by us often, which is fine with me.  She is a doll and very easy to be around/have around.  The 17 YO was also in rehab in February and has been clean and sober for several months now.  By and large, he is a good boy.  It is my opinion that DH babies him WAY too much.

My H doesn't go into work for a week, doesn't call in, yet never gets fired! How does he get away with the lies??

My husband has a problem with going to work. If he's having issues with people at work, or he has some made up ailment (I've heard them all from "I've got the poops" to "My back is acting up" to 'I barely slept last night") or simply doesn't feel like leaving the house that day, he will take the day off. And he sits at a computer and deals with customers on the phone and in person so it's not like it's a physical job where he can't work due to all those ailments. And rarely is it ever just one day. Once he starts not going in, he can't stop.
