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need help dealing with my adhd husband's lying

I'm not sure that I am asking for help as much as looking for someplace to talk a little. My husband was diagnosed with ADD as a child, but never medicated. I understand that it doesn't go away but often people learn to cope better as they get older. My husband is 46 and we've been married for 20 years. We've had a good marriage for the most part, but the lying issues pop up once a year or so and squash the trust that has been built back up. I should also add that he had been a smoker since he was 13 and just quit 2 years ago.


I just got slapped by reality. .. currently, sitting outside in the very brisk air, hiding ( stealing ) internet under the porch of someone I think I wE dating...til nowish. I think I'm homeless..have no money or anything else... oh yeah, now no adderall.

Really!? ... how is this sneeking up on me!? 


Help! Omg. .. not panicked...jus numb. ..can't be good.

Can we really be financially separate and still emotionally & psychologicallymarried?

My husband and I have been married seven years this November 2015, we have two small children. I have always worked full time and paid for the majority. My husband has a long history of securing work, being promoted, getting fired. The reasons are always the same, he has had professional coaches, therapists, my support (I am also a therapist), and countless other interventions. The outcome remains the same because of some deep issues he is not ready to resolve around confidence, vulnerbility, work ethic etc.

Excuse or Appropriate Sharing?

I have noticed that in the little bit of communication my husband sends my way, he mentions how depressed he is a lot.  I offer sympathy when he says this and I also recommend that he get mental health treatment.  He then sometimes says that mental health treatment won't do any good.  Is it appropriate for me to put up the boundary that I don't want to be the person he dumps on about being depressed?  I think he's trying to use it as a free pass to his dysfunctional (with me) behavior.
