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Feel so abandoned and alone...

After 10 years together, we're just discovering my husband has ADHD (undiagnosed as an adult, but he's had it since he was a kid). We have 3 children.

You all know the basics of living with an ADHD spouse. The promises with no follow through, the lies, the lack of empathy, the forgetfulness, the underachievment, the difficulty in taking care of responsibilities, the messy house, the issues handling anger.

AdHD and delusional behaviour?

Does anyone experience a husband or wife who goes through a paranoid period and starts accusing me of having affairs 10-15 years ago? Needless to say, I have never been unfaithful to him.He had a meltdown due to overwork and had to use drugs to stay awake in 2000.  Got involuntarily committed for a week and a few years later finally managed to get prescribed dex. we got married after a couple of years of separation  in 2007. Since then, he has an episode of accusing me - usually of having affairs with the people we worked with.

Got Expected Diagnosis - Wasn't Prepared for Emotions

Wow...I have been looking forward to this diagnosis for almost half a year as I began slowly realizing I could have ADHD.  I read the books, talked about it and then finally got tested.  It took a month to get the results of the test, but it finally came yesterday.  ADHD Innatentive Type (Mild) with Major Depressive Disordor (Moderate) with secondary anxiety.  

New here and need a safe space to vent

I stumbled upon this website tonight while researching ADHD and marriage and a lightbulb went off for me. As you can guess we're in a tough place right now. We've been together for 11 years, married 9, and have two children. One of our children also has ADHD. My husband was diagnosed as a child, but due to the lack of good medication options back then and the negative side effects he had from Ritalin he hasn't been medicated as an adult. Funny enough he had no issues trying out medication for our son, which by the way has been a great experience.

My husband doesn't think he needs a driver's license.

Hello im new on here, i happen to stumble on this site, ive been stressed about my relationship with my husband, and after reading some posts on here, it does seem like his ADHD is what makes him the way he is. Ive known he has it, he had issues in school because of it, but i never realized how it affects him as an adult until now. He has the obssesive tendencies and anxieties. 

I feel completely alone - now he is 'blackmailing' me. What do I do?

Hii All,

I just discovered this forum and I'm so glad I did. Thank you.

 I feel completely stuck right now - stuck between the deep love I have for my boyfriend of 13 years and stuck with the frustration, stress, and feeling of hopelessness - of living with someone who has diagnosed ADD and who (from my POV) is not dealing with it incurring fall-out for me and our lives, and relationship and possibly sending us into living below the poverty line.

ADHD Hyperfocus or Psychopathic "Love Bombing"

I googled ADHD hyperfocus and googled Psychopathic Love Bombing.  They have slight differences, but scary similarities.  Anyway,  I am a new victim.  

Was "love bombed" for 3 months by an ADHD man,   Wow it was fascinating.  I fell head over heels and gave my heart.  LOL!  

Today, I am dead to him.  Texts and calls are ignored.  I am the invisible women.  Its so ridiculous i want to call 911 and state an emergency! 

He has moved on to another person.  Its like it didn't happen.

Oh well just a vent sorry.  Yep i am sad.  and in disbelief.  

Learning to interject at the right time; and in the right manner....

I've really struggled with trying to communicate my feelings to my wife. We are so different, she really doesn't want to hear them.  I've definitely found out what doesn't work with her.

It really doesn't matter if you have add or not; no one wants to be continuously badgered about their ineptness. So as many of you know I've worked very hard at acceptance of her realities. It really has helped me to get my focus back onto my self, and my responsibilities vs having my mind bombarded with what she is or isn't doing
