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I have ADHD, my husband has Aspergers - can our marriage even be saved?

I have a reached a tipping point in my relationship and I fear that unless some changes happen, and happen soon, that my marriage will soon be over.

Some quick background info:

My husband and I have been married for 9 years (together for 10). When we met I was a divorced mom with 2 boys - ages 4 and 6. My husband-to-be was a batchelor.

When words are the worst kind of communication.

How many times because of either denial, unconcern, inability to hear (no matter the reason) have words destroyed peaceful moments for you? I have come to realize my trouble is me in every instance...First, to share with words, someone has to care to listen, and do it...How many times have I tried to press into a closed mind with words that wasn't desired, nor under no circumstances going to be heard, yet I continued. Too many!...How many times have I not wanted or wasn't able to receive truth about myself because I was blind to it?

How to Deal with the Double Standard

My husband gets impatient and tense over, omg, an endless numbers of things. He is sort of Jekyll and Hyde bc he's not a mean guy - he is sweet and caring and tries to do his best with me - but just, like there are frequent circumstances where he is tense/tired/hungry/trying to focus and can't, etc., where he has a very very short fuse.

Is this a sure sign my husband is ADHD???

Hey everyone - so i ended up on this site like a year ago when a therapist of mine mentioned to me in passing that she thought my husband was ADHD just based on some of the anecdotes about him I shared....i didnt really ever look up what ADHD was or anything so once I did after that, i was totally floored how uncanny the traits were, and I also found this site. 

My husband has acted miffed in the past when i tell him that he is ADHD, even when i have described many things to him and he HAS to know that is way too many of his traits for it to be BS.

Absolutely no sympathy from husband when I'm sick! In fact, it seems to be my fault!

I just got back from a trip and most likely caught a cold from someone on the plane ride home. Friday afternoon he gets home from work and goes to give me a kiss and I tell him that he shouldn't kiss me because I'm getting a scratchy throat and most likely a cold and his response isn't one of sympathy, instead it's "Greeeeeeat! That's just great! Now I'm going to get sick! Thanks a lot!" And that was just with a scratchy throat. The next morning I woke up with chills and a fever of over 100°. I sit on the couch and tell him I've got a fever. Once again I get "That's great!

My 20 year old has been diagnosed with ADDHD. Is Art a good career choice?

My 20 year old wants to change her degree in college from Business to Art; she is a good if not great artist but we all know most artist are "starving" artists.

My 20 year old has been diagnosed with ADDHD by a Psychiatrist; would an art career be a solid profession for someone with ADDHD?

So Great On The Outside

I've been with my husband for over 15 years. We met in college and married 5 years later. We had similar nerdy habits (reading, documentaries) and he was very into me. For years before and after we were married we fought very little. He was diagnosed with ADHD at a very young age and took medication. Our disagreements tended to be around him not doing whatever it was he was supposed to do, and he promised to get help but over and over quits whatever it is he attempts. He is very loving and completely co-dependent.

I am crying and trying to make a decision

My husband has been diagnosed with ADD/Bipolar. We have four children, ages 1 to 8 years. There are characteristics that I recognize in our eldest three children that make me highly suspicious that they also have ADD (maybe bipolar) to varying degrees. We have never had them tested largely because we wanted to avoid doing so until it was necessary. They are homeschooled so the ADD-like symptoms have not been the serious issue they would be if they were schooled in the traditional setting.
