Recent forum posts (all topics)

Progress comes from unexpected direction

Last week we had a blip. Husband had his w/e all mapped out. Friday night after work tying flies in readiness to go fishing. Fishing all day Saturday. Football on Sunday. I knew this was going to happen. It wasn't sprung on me as has happened all too often in the past. On Sunday after the football he came home and  watched the re-run on TV. And after that he switched over to watch a football review programme. And then he watched X Factor. Prior to this on the Friday night I knew I was too tired to cook and suggested that we pop into our local pub to eat.

Ridiculous call to me from H!

So I was out of state visiting my Mom for a week and just got back yesterday. H did not go with me. On the 3rd day of my visit I receive a call from H. I did not have my phone on me at the time and didn't get the voice mail until the next morning. I noted the time he called as 9PM on a Saturday night. I listen to it and he says "Can you PLEASE not empty my trash in the garage? I had a part for my motorcycle sitting on top of the garbage can and it had fallen in. I normally wouldn't have left it there but seeing as how the trash wasn't full I didn't see it as a problem.

I just don't know if I can do it anymore

My husband left me and our son 8 weeks ago.  We have been married 29 years so it is a big adjustment for me. At this point my husband says he is not getting any kind of help (he doesn't think he needs it) and is not coming back.  He threatens divorce just about every time I talk to him. He's said this so many times I can't count.

sleep patterns, twitching, snoring, 3am

Another question here about sleep patterns. It's been done in this forum before, but it's been a while. I noticed a couple of other posts in another area about how some ADHD'ers sleep schedules are difficult for us non's, as well as body twitching, severe snoring, separate sleep rooms,  tearing up the bed covers, and coming to bed at 3:00 AM.

What to do when your spouse is in denial of his symtems

Greetings everyone. I am writing today as a cry for help. I have reads  few of the posts and I feel quite inspired. My story is long but, I will try to make it as short as possible. Please excuse me if I babble also. Right now my emotions are all over the place.

I have reconnected with my first real love after about 28 years. We had remained friends and often talked about getting back together. When the opportunity presented itself we did. I have always loved him but we were young. I still love him and I want to help but he is resistant.

I am lost and don't know where to turn

My wife and I have 3 sons. One is ADHD (impulsive and attention def) while the other two are ADD (attention only). I was most likely ADHD (impulsive and attention) too as a child based on all the family stories. This simple fact makes me feel both horribly guilty for having passed this disorder on to my children and highly protective of them as I know first hand how it feels to be different.

How to divy up the chores

I realize I got myself in this current position by assuming responsibility for everything my spouse left undone.

So, now in this grown-up world of no parenting my husband, what do I do?  Literally, what are the steps.  I cook on my agreed upon day.  My spouse forgets his day.  I cook on my agreed upon  day.  My spouse forgets his day.  Right now, I cook if I want.  Otherwise, it is every man for himself.  You find it, you can eat it.  

Hears you but responds with a vocal "NO"

Today, a dog owner left without cleaning up. I asked ADD spouse to take a look out the window and take a look at the dog owner. All of a sudden, he is livid, runs out the wrong door and goes all the way around the wrong side of the property and almost accuses another dog owner (minding their own business). For heavens' sake, I just asked him to take a good look at the dog owner from the safety of our window. He comes in all livid at me, it's not because of the dog poo, it's not because of the careless dog owner, its all because I had the audacity to "control" him.
