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How can I approach H about going to his job?

You all know the story by now of my H who won't go to his job but doesn't get fired. He has gone in once in 3 weeks. I know he has been lying to me but have yet to confront him about it. Maybe 2 days a week he simply doesn't go in and then the other 3 he will leave the house but I can tell from phone calls to attendance, his bank account and simply looking at his hours online that he hasn't gone in on those days. Instead he leaves and goes and has breakfast somewhere for a few hours until I leaves for work and then comes home, acting like he's been at work all day.

Going to my diagnosis app today

I'm going to my diagnosis app today. 
I know I have ADHD or feel i do. but am a bit worried that I don't have all the systems.
Actually I might have just found ways in my adult life to take these symptoms into account. 

I clip my key ring to my belt immediately.
I use lists to stay organized

 I'm bit worried, what if I'm miss diagnosed? 
What if i really am selfish and lazy?

I guess I will have to wait and see

Risky Driving by husband


I am at a loss to get my husband to drive more carefully.  Many times I think that he is truly on "auto-pilot" and

doesn't realize that he is driving recklessly.  He generally doesn't signal and switches lanes on the highway

very frequently.  He always seems to want to "get ahead" of everyone else, even when we are not in a 

hurry.  He passes on a two lane road, many times to get ahead of more than one car.  He occasionally makes

what I consider a dangerous left hand turn (and I am on the passenger side), so I am frightened that either

I'm sick to my stomach and can't concentrate on anything!

I've just had it! H is on day whatever of not going to work. I just looked at his paycheck online for the past two weeks. 8 hours total (not like its a shock because I snooped online at his hours and that's all it was going to be even though it SHOULD be 4 days because that's how many days he left the house in the morning!) and after taxes and what they could salvage for child support payments he ended up with a whopping total of $20.08! He currently has $15 in the bank and that's it. So he is going to live on $35 for the next 2 weeks and try to explain to me why that's all he has!

The only way I can bring up his not working is by being sarcastic!

I just don't know what else to do to get through to him! If I try to approach it civilly, like a few nights ago I said to him that I NEED him to go to work and make money, his response was not "Yes I'm sorry and I will do that from now on" or actually talk to me about what the problem is but it was "I'm going to be a monk and move up into the mountains". It's just all fun and games!  I KNOW he's been lying to me about going to work but he sure won't admit to it.

Desperate to save my marriage

I desperately need help to save my marriage. I have ADHD, I was diagnosed as a child and again about 6 years ago. I take Adderall  XR on a daily basis. I am ruining my marriage without meaning to. I'm lying to my husband, I've cheated on him,  I've destroyed any trust he had in me. We have been together for 15 years and married for over 13, he's my best friend, my everything.  I love this man with all my heart and don't know why I keep doing this destructive behavior. 

I'm hoping this is the beginning not the end

Hi, my wife and I have continuously had problems for most of our marriage of 11 years. We have almost separated many time because she felt unloved and alone. lastly I went to councillor to help me change my behavior. No effect, basically he said change or suffer the consequences. Last week she told me she was though of me not paying attention always off in my own world and took off her ring. I always thought I had ADHD but never thought this could be the root cause of my problems.

how can i deal with a lying husband

the reason why i signed up is because im tired of getting lied to and its not ok. so heres my story i like to tell of  my past experience and still going to this day.


it started when i was 2 months pregnant with our daughter Isabella and we were in the car and my hubby was online on this dating sites called Meetme.
