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When he's feeling good.... everything is pretty amusing.

It struck me today how much my husband amuses me. Im not sure if its like this for other people, but ADHD makes my husband pretty spontaneous in his responses to questions and his actions. It's never ever boring or predictable.  Also, he seems perfectly okay with making good natured fun of himself and being silly just for the sake of being silly.

Untreated ADHD leading my wife to want to run from marriage


Hello everyone I have been reading through these forums for about a month now trying to work up the nerve to make a post and ask for help or advice, but I'm at a breaking point in my marriage and really need to know what a community of people who have experience with ADHD to possibly sort threw some of this mess.

So much progress and growth!! I'm ADD as well.

My husband and I have been through our share of difficulties over the years. He was diagnosed with ADD in 2007 after three years of marriage. Didn't bother me much. We still had time and energy to spend time together and have sex and all that. The marriage seemed mostly fine. Two kids later we were on the brink of divorce. I developed the dreaded mommy brain, and keeping up with the house and kids was seriously debilitating. I was always in awe of how much my non-ADHD friends could get done and how calm and patient and consistent they were with their kids.

When does the ADHD partner walk away?

Ok, so what do I do?

This has gone on for most our 7-year marriage. Horrible, horrible unresolved arguments. Countless times that I have felt I have just wanted to get out. But I haven't. I guess it's the ADHD that's meant that I have been able to quickly forget, forgive and move on.

Ok, am I organised - no, am I forgetful - yes, do I follow through on what I say I am going to do,sometimes but never in the time scale my other half expects. Can I be tactless - yes. Am I socially awkward yes.

What to do about the consequences

I've learned over the past 7 years of marriage to an ADHD man that it's very hard to not constantly supervise what he is doing.  This makes him angry, he says I'm bossy and always telling him what to do.  But so many times I have been burned by the consequences of letting him handle a situation on his own that it's very hard not to oversee everything all the time.  We are married so the mistakes he makes more often than not affect me too.  Because I'm his wife I can be held responsible for his bad decisions and his debt so it's hard not to make sure things are being done properly.  My H has

What is Love?

I'm not sure I know anymore.  How do you know if you are in love?  I've been married for over 10 years to my ADD spouse and we have two wonderful children.

Although my ADD husband is attractive, I'm kind of grossed out by sex and even kissing him, and any contact between us is just awkward.  I think it's that whole parent-child dynamic we've got going on.  But it's not like I'm some prize, I should be thankful he's attracted to me!  With my own self esteem issues I'm so lucky someone wants to be with me...why don't I want to be with him anymore??

A HUGE thank you to another user on here, and a rambling story

Yesterday, I vent-posted about my husband being a complete jerk to me. As a result,  I got to talking to a lady who has ADD, and she honestly and openly expressed how hard it was to remember things, how hard it was to make lessons stick, but she was trying so very hard and loved her husband so much-- even though her behaviors were often both frustrated and frustrating.

I'm an ADHD wife

I am a 33 year old wife with ADHD.  This is my problem, I feel like I'm actively seeking treatment for ADHD, but my husband doesn't want to get on board with any recommendations from the book.  He read the first half about a year ago, and got very angry.  Like stated in the book, he feels like he should just take my outburst or symptoms and say "oh that's her just ADHD", and then not say anything to me.  I told him that is not what I want for us.
