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The effect of stress on ADHD symptoms - how to get through it, strategies?

What a year. We got married in August and are now living with his parents after serious financial fallout. Ups and downs like crazy. Simultaneously one of the best and worst years of my life so, obviously, stressful, draining. Didn't exactly see myself being a housewife and living with my in-laws 4 months into marriage. (Especially when we've already been together so long. Man, that's some bad timing. Thanks, life!)

My husband says I'm a Bit**

My ADHD husband calls me a bit** all the time.  He says I'm bitter and I complain about everything.  He's right, I have turned into a miserable woman.  But how much can one person take without completely losing it?  In our 7 year marriage he has had over 30 jobs, most of which only lasted a few weeks or a few months.  He only helps around the house when I force him too.  He hasn't done any upkeep on our 30 year old home and it's in need of lots of repairs.  He sits around all day and talks about all the things he wants to do and tells me how much money he can make when he finds the right jo

Extreme senses/sensitivity to stimuli

So, divorce from my ex with untreated ADHD is almost final, after leaving with kids a year ago. Working on co-parenting, which usually consists of me managing and taking care of everything and him contributing what he can when he can. Which is actually fine. We get along reasonably well and the kids are happy. 

Forgetfulness is so hurtful

My husband (the partner with ADD) has a terrible problem remembering things, but primarily anything that has to deal with me or the kids.  Whether important, like a neurologist appt for our son, or not so important.  For Christmas, my husband actually forgot all about my present.  He actually ordered it himself, the coffee pot I showed him online.  I guess I should be happy that he actually ordered it himself, usually I order my presents on my own.  When it came he wouldn't let me see it, even though I knew what it was.  I thought, wow, I might actually get a wrapped present this year.  No

ADHD spouse seems to be floundering; can I do anything?

My husband's main source of income the past three years has been from providing companionship and some caregiving to his ailing elderly parents.  H has somewhat typical ADHD behaviors and symptoms:  difficulty keeping a good job; financial problems; denial of responsibility for his role in problems; difficulties with communication and intimacy; avoidance of certain kinds of responsibilities and tasks; comorbid mental health issues (depression and anxiety).  We have been living apart this fall but he was home this weekend because our daughters had just arrived for the holidays.


I would love to know how many other wives of ADHD husbands have found that they have a persistent cannabis habit - that does not escalate into drug addiction, but that probably makes their ADHD symptoms worse? I was terribly naive about this as well, believing him when he promised to give up when we got married, and then when I noticed he was sitting at home smoking instead of getting a job, when the first baby was born. Of course he did not, but sort of learned to hide it from me. I also always wanted to believe his promises.
