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How much help do you give ADHD spouse?

DH decided to take a leadership role in son's cub scout pack. I warned him about the work involved and advised against it, but true to form, he took it anyway. I told him not to expect me to help, as I am already ds's den leader and we have a daughter in her own activities. Because the pack leader left, he was basically just handed everything with no one in place for other leadership roles. He either hyperfocuses and spend crazy amounts of time planning, researching, etc., or does nothing He planned a pinewood Derbyworkshop for tomorrow.

Just can't stand him sometimes

Just need to vent, I just can't stand my husband, most of the time (99% of the time).  Everything he does annoys me.  He can't remember anything I say.  We are planning a trip to DC, actually I am planning the trip.  I've told  him over and over when we are leaving, how long the drive, etc.  He asked me just now, how long is the drive?  Can you please remember something!  He asks me stupid questions that he should really be able to decide on his own, he heated up chicken nuggets for our son and asks me are they hot enough?  He is 44 years old, he can't tell if they are hot enough.  My son e

Best kind of counseling for a successful marriage in light of unique issues?

Hi everyone, I have never posted about this problem online before, and in fact I generally avoid such online forums because it always seems like a lot of "misery loves company" without many sincere solutions on offer.  That being said, obviously for me to be here I have reached a certain level of hopelessness and am hoping to hear from others who have genuinely improved their relationships, and find out what worked in those cases.

Funny story I heard on TV

CBS Sunday Morning did a profile of James Carville and Mary Matalin. He is so hyper that he says one day a doctor approached him at an airport and said "I've been watching you for 5 minutes and I think you have ADHD." He got diagnosed and treated and it improved his marriage a lot. If strangers can see it, why can't the ADDer him/herself see it, or their spouse?

This Might be too long -- ADHD husband on new meds has left me

i have been doing some reading here and i am seeing for the first time that others are struggling with this awful disease and all that goes with it, just like me. <!--break-->

My husband and I have been together for 21 years, married for 15, most of them difficult.  He was diagnosed ADHD as a child but has been unmedicated (for that disease, anyway) until about 9 days ago.  He has taken an antidepressant for probably almost the whole time I have known him, however.

Just need a temperature check

I'm just trying to find out how out of whack I am in my expectations of my ADHD husband. I've posted here before. We've been married 11 years, he is a successful businessman (never any problems providing very well for us or holding a job, at least I can say that) and have one adopted child and he has a bio child. Lately I am just struggling with an action - reaction phenomenon. He does something rude or selfish, and when I react he says I'm _________ (depressed, inflexible, a b-tch, controlling...fill in the blank).

Recently Learned I am ADHD

So i figuratively had my wife put a "gun to my head" and tell me she was not in love with me anymore and she was thinking about leaving.  This was the same conversation we have about every 6-9 months, but this time it was different.  We live a good life, based on what I have read I am a high functioning ADHD'er.  I own a  successful company, have two great kids with no symptoms that I can see, we live in Newport, RI and my father in law lives with us.  My wife is a beautiful, smart, organized and driven woman.  She is also the adult child of an alcoholic, and her mother passed away 11 years
