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Chores and crazy logic

Let me start off by saying that I now do all the household chores every single day otherwise they wouldn't get done and lately I am enjoying having a nice clean house.  My partner's only responsibility is his dishes and to clean up after cooking for himself (put things away, put refuse in garbage, wipe up spills etc.) and even this is only done sporadically.  Lately he's taken to flat-ironing his hair every other day (don't ask) and when he does this, he gets hair ALL OVER the bathroom floor.  I assumed that it should therefore be his responsibility to clean up after himself afterwards by v

High IQ ADHD husband does not contribute financially. Exhausted. Frustrated. Any hope or encouragement out there?

My husband and I are 35.  He was diagnosed with ADHD 6 months ago.  We married at 22, right out of college.  He is a genius, who did very well at a top-notch college (at that time, top 15) despite putting little effort into his studies.  Being young when we married, I believe I was reasonable at that time to believe that he would do well in life because of his obvious academic talents.  I graduated from the same top school as my husband, also doing well, but deep-down all I ever really wanted to be is a mother who was the glue behind a great family and a confident man.  It is not about the

I can't do this anymore

As the wife of a man recently diagnosed with ADD, I want to know when do I get to stop being him mother?  When do I get to stop having to clean up behind him?  When do I get to stop being the only mature, responsible person in my home?  When do I get to stop hurting, crying loosing sleep?  Is it wrong to feel that everything is all about him, while I'm the one suffering?

Am I the only one?

I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, and find it a burden. My first marriage ended after eleven years of my undoing. I felt that my wife was enabling me not to manage my ADHD. I have been in a relationship now for just over a year and I have no objective data as to why I am different in my current relationship. people with ADHD do very well at the tasks they like doing and poorly at the tasks they don't like doing. I characterized myself as having a T-1 personality to conflict, but I am functioning at maintaining a T-0 level.
