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Engaged to an adhd man who is addicted to porn/anonymous

Well by the title alone you can tell I'm ready to run in the other direction!! I have been in a relationship with a man off and on for seven years and last year after talking to his mom I find out he was diagnosed with adhd as a child though he is not currently being treated. This set off a light bulb for me bc he has anxiety, depression and ocd (brushes his teeth ten times a day). And has a fetish for porn/porn stars.


Insurance coverage kicked in on the 1st. Had my first session this morning. We pretty much picked up where we left off, and anyone reading my posts here will have a fairly good outline of the discussion. She thought my reconnection with messy feelings regarding my symptoms and their consequences was really healthy. She agreed that I was looking at it from a clinical, philosophical perspective when we did sessions a few months ago, and that more productive progress can be made when I'm (as she said) "in the muck."


The U-haul is packed and is towing the car. I have a long, long drive ahead. It's so bittersweet. I want and NEED to leave and I'm excited to return home, but I'm so sad to leave him behind and take our son away with me. He's a wonderful person underneath the ADHD, depression, and low self esteem. I just can't carry it all anymore. Still, I look forward to his arrival next year. I'm sure (I sure hope that) we'll be great friends and parents. 

Help managing impulse control

I recently became diagnosed for ADHD and OCD. I have suspected both for years but never encountered a reason to learn more about their long term effects undiagnosed. Looking back I can see just how much I have been affected as well as those around me, especially the ones I love. I am now 4 months into trying to make changes for myself and in my marriage. I am taking generic extended release Aderrall daily, along with multi vitamins and fish oil.

How to Get ADHD Husband into Treatment?

Hi everyone.  I'm new to this forum, and this is my first post.  My husband has never been diagnosed by a doctor, but we both know that he has pretty severe ADHD.  I am finding it hard to cope right now because when I try to talk to him about therapy or medication, he has a violent negative reaction.  He absolutely refuses to pursue either option.

I think I may have placed an unsuspecting person in the cross-hairs

The RV.

I want to share it when not in use.

The spouse does not want to share it.  Ever.  He stated, "If I can't enjoy it, nobody is going to enjoy it."

I think that is selfish and unkind.

I lent it to my niece.  All she knows of the disagreement is her uncle 'doesn't like anyone else to drive it'  so her cousin is parking it at the camp ground for her to use. 

Have I just put my niece in the middle?  Am I using her?  Should I tell her and let her make her own decision?

Ack.  I hate this.  Why do I even have ask this?  Why don;t I just know?

recent diagnosis

Hi i am 26 and my partner was last week diagnosed with adhd after struggling with it his whole life. His relationship with his mother has also broken down. I am so relieved to be on the way for him to be getting help but i think i need help myself. I know he cant help leaving the lid off the milk, being extremely messy, stressed,angry and all the other adhd traits which drive me around the bend.
