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Not sure what the future holds


I am posting here as a means of venting and perhaps for some feedback as well, not to air dirty laundry. I am 42 yr young housewife who has been married 24 years. I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 35. I can't tell you how ecstatic I was. I felt like a light switch had been turned on. On a personal level, my life slowly began to improve. After having walked away from so many jobs


From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

It is because of this site that I was able to realize what has been plaguing my marriage and relationships, ADHD. My wife came upon this site while trying to figure out a way to communicate with me, something we have NEVER had a problem with. She asked me to read through a few posts and I decided to indulge her, thinking to myself, "I'm not hyper, i don't fidget, there are certainly things that I focus on very well..."etc.

Is it ADHD or does he just not love me?

I need some advice. This is the first time I've ever posted, but I have been using this site as a resource for a few months. My husband has been diagnosed with ADHD. I am the one who tries to keep it all together. Six months ago I found out that my husband was pursuing several women via Facebook and one woman at work. I was devastated. After years of being ignored, cleaning up his messes, yada yada yada, he found a way to convince himself that I caused him to look elsewhere. I told him I wanted a divorce. When he realized I was serious, he changed his tune.

I scored off the chart but task-forgetful wife is mild?!

I have always figured I have had mild ADHD. While working with a psychiatrist for other issues, he tested me for ADHD and I shockingly scored nearly off the chart. However, my wife who always leaves stuff in disarray, moves from one task to another without fully completing but eventually does, amongst other things, scored mildly. How can this be?!


Looking forward to furer evaluation and treatment plan on Wednesday.  Also enjoying Orlov's book On ADHD/Marriage. 

Please help feeling devastated & so confused :(

Hi everyone :) I have been what I thought was happily married since I was 22 (but together since 19) and I have just turned 45. We have 2 beautiful children my son whom is turning 18 in March (and has been diagnosed as a mild to moderate sufferer of adhd) and my gorgeous girl who will be 14 in July. My husband was diagnosed with ADHD about 14 years ago now but he had always led me to believe that his "symptoms" were minor & the need for treatment was non-existent.

9 months since diagnosis - I feel better, my wife says I'm worse

The cause of our arguments is no different - disconnects on household chores, getting so "stuck" on irrelevant facts while she is talking about something serious, forgetting nearly everything - except for things that don't matter...I could go on, but I'm sure this is not new for anyone who has or is close to someone with ADHD. Our arguments start the same way - but from my perspective she seems more enraged at my inattentive behaviors and patterns. I'm just confused because I feel like my treatment is working (at least I think so) and I'm not sure why our relationship has not improved.

Help!! His ADD is driving me insane

I have been with this guy for nearly 2 years now, i have a 9 year old son (not his) and i have now a new little baby to my partner. whilst i wads pregant things were very hard as i was working and he could not hold a  job down. During this time when i was pregant we nearly lost our house, wass selling our furniture to pay the rent as he was really bad with money. he would continually buy and buy things we didnt need, BUT he had to have these, once he bought them he would find something else he would need to buy. Drove me insane.

"I just can't keep going over it and over it." -- but if we don't go over it, how can we change it? and other issues

My husband is a loving, generous, very smart man who was diagnosed as an adult with add. We have been together 14 years and have children. He holds down a fairly flexible job and is good at it, but has difficulty with any deadlines, reports, meetings, and schedules in general and so far has been able to avoid getting in too much trouble over it (I understand that these things are hard for him but I worry about his job security).
