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Low T (testasterone).... I've seen it mentioned on the forum... what is it and how does it affect/coincide with ADD/ADHD?

I'am a non-ADD/ADHD spouse of an ADD-I(inattentive)...  I feel it's more ADHD though...but that's not what I'm asking about. 


My question, another post mentioned having a "low T" test and taking testasterone shots.   I was interested in learning more about this as I heard that a man with low testasterone can be misdiagnosed or treated for his ADHD/ADD as the main problem or contributing problem his low testasterone levels....which have a similar affect as ADD.

Can anyone else tell me more about this Low Testasterone levels and the "low T test"?

The end of me

After 30+ years of marriage, raising a family essentially as a single parent, while completing college & working up to 3 part time jobs, I can no longer find the strength to continue. My spouse was diagnoised with ADD/Impulsivity/Inattentiveness. His behavior also changes, and he becomes very mean verbally when he drinks any alcohol at all. For most of the past 30 years I took total care of the house etc, as he was "too busy, too stressed at work " to come home for more than  to sleep eat & go back to work.

Doctor suggested "as needed" use of meds--don't think is working

For those who want to skip the novel below which is specific to our case, what are your feelings about medication holidays or taking meds on an 'as needed' basis.  Please give me the reason behind your answer because we need to come joint accord with this issue between ADD hubby, I, and his psychiatrist & psychologist.

Trying to make a meaningful change

So I am the ADHD spouse. I'm trying so hard to make a lasting change in this relationship. My wife has mentioned about 14 different categories where change needs to happen. I am trying to focus my efforts in as many different areas I can. However, I have realized I can't change 14 things at once. I am trying to change one or maybe two things at a time. Mainly my impulse control, emotional volatility. My spouse does not see a change. I've asked her if she notices a change, most of the time its "I don't know". This makes it very difficult to measure how things are. This has me lost.

Klonopin for anxiety and insomnia?

Any one tried Klonopin?  My aunt takes it for insomnia and I read that it also helps with anxiety.  I have both and I am going to begin ADHD meds on Jan 31st.  I already have severe insomnia and I'm scared it'll get worse with medication.  Has anyone used this/had any luck with it along with ADHD meds?  Should I ask my doc to prescribe it when I go in to get my ADHD medicine?

Need help for finding an ADD therapist...

Hey everyone!!  I was just wondering if anyone had heard of online Skype therapy sessions and if they could give me some info about them.  I have been diagnosed by an MD and he recommends therapy but I have a 1 year old and weekly, time out, 1 hr therapy sessions will not come easy.  If anyone has any advice please share... Thanks!!!



I am lost and out of ideas.  I am a non-ADHD person married to a ADHD person.  We have been married for sixteen years.  I know he has not been faithful and went to file for divorce two years ago because of the children decided to go back with his promise of working on the marriage.  In front of the judge he called me dumb.  The working on the marriage has not happened.  So i am right back where i was before i left the house.  I have suffered from depression, low self-esteem, and believe on his part i am in the house to take care of the house and the children.  I purchased the book "The effe

Career Complications for my ADHD Spouse - What's the best way to support him?

My husband has been struggling with a career since I have known him. He has returned to school several times, explored dozen's of ideas, and is currently in school for a career option which we both believe will be a good fit. The trouble is, my husband struggles so much with school he doubts he will be able to finish. He is approaching his 40th birthday this fall and has yet to have a "real job" (i.e. career). I am so worried about him as he struggles with depression. He is absolutely brilliant but is unable to focus well enough to complete his assignments on time despite medication.

Advice On What to Say

So, tonight's the night we discuss if we will stay married or divorce. I have been telling him for a long time I am unhappy and exactly what I need from him. I am non-ADHD and my husband has ADHD. I have begged, pleaded, ignored, left him alone, acted normal, acted mad, acted sad...I have tried everything and nothing changes. He has been mad at me for 3 weeks and there is not a reason for it. I told him last night I am going to leave if he is not willing to participate in our marriage. He basically said ok. Then I said, if I leave, it will be for good. I am done with going back and forth.
