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Back from deployment & learned so much

Hello Melissa and all the ADDers out there I have been back from Iraq for about six months now and my marriage has well not been so good.  When I came back I hyper focused on fixing are marriage.  We tried going to marriage counseling a few times and Here is the part where you husbands out there with ADHD need to listen too.  Marriage counseling and meds are not a fix for your marriage so don't make the mistake I did and pretend that everything is ok and go on pretending that your marriage is fine.  The one thing I have learned is first thing is first you need to seek your own counseling an

Neverending story

Okay, I will try to keep this short.  So I have been in this marriage now for four years.  I have worked in mental health  for twenty years and figured out about a year and a half into the marriage that my husband has ADD.  He is on medication, some supplements and have mostly gotten him off aspartame...but he is also type 1 diabetic.  When his blood sugar is low, he is well..lets just say not very nice.  Last night he told me to "kiss my ass", after I suggested that maybe some of his behaviors were because his blood sugar was low. Between the ADD & diabetes, lack of jobs for the majori


Here I am plodding towards another lonely Christmas. Nothing has changed while HB has been away from me, in fact he has gotten a lot worse. His defensiveness is now off the scale. His family are indifferent and allow him to live with and off their elderly mother without challenge. When he has our youngest, he rings he constantly to complain about his behaviour. He also allowed him to go to the park alone (aged 10 in central London) and sleeps until 11am, leaving the child to wander around calling me frequently to ask what to do.

I Feel Like I'm Being Used

I have a question for the members of this forum who have ADD.  I'm in a relationship with someone who has ADD, they're susposed to love me, but as soon as someone or something new comes along, I barely exist.  This happens constantly.  How can you love someone and ignore them?  I feel like he just uses me to keep from being bored until something better comes along.   

Changes to the Diagnostic Criteria


That's the link to the proposed changes coming our way with the DSM-5.  Dr. Barkley also states that they are working on a severity scale and proper discussion of the spectrum of ADHD. Finally people won't be able to pretend its just a mild disorder! What do you think or the changes?

If we're so far gone, how can there be hope?

My husband asked me a few days ago if we were done.  I truly don't believe we are, yet I fear I'm in denial.  We both want things from our marriage, but neither one of us are able to deliver.  My husband's ADD is worse than ever.  He's committed to getting treatment, but has missed a few appointments because he was too late to bother showing up at all.  He also confessed that he isn't getting anywhere with his therapist because she listens and offers no real advice.  My husband got in to see the psychiatrist, was given Adderall, and weeks later, got it filled yesterday.   

Don't even know what I want any more

So I'm new to the site and have been reading many posts and decided I'd finally join and post my story.  My fiance and I have been together for 5 1/2 years.  We have to beautiful children, a girl who's 3 and a boy who's 1.  my DF was recently diagnosed with ADD after I did some research and spoke to him about it.  He's very eager and excited about the possibility of him feeling somewhat "normal" for the first time in his life.  He's always said he feels he's just wired differently. 

You have got to be kidding me!

I feel like I live on a roller coaster. Some days it's fun other days it's just pure exhausting... for no REAL reason. My ADHD husband works six days a week, so you would think that the one day we both have off together you would try extra hard to have a nice day and enjoy each others company. But more times that not Sunday mornings seem to always start off on the wrong foot. This morning he was watching TV and I was riding the stationary bike. He looks over at me and says that's why the house smells. I said what do you mean (I didn't know the house smelled).
