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I feel so hopeless. So useless. So...damaged.

I first have to say how grateful I am for this forum. I've been reading and reading  but hadn't joined. But I have no where else to vent or ask for help. I don't have many friends and the ones who understood what I am going through, I've had to stop talking to because of trust issues with my husband and I. So I'm coming here, hoping for help. Hoping for any tidbit that will make me not drive my husband and family nuts.

It Just Bothers Me

This probably won't win me any popularity contest but it really bothers me how people describes people with ADHD as children and babies and not adults. We have a disability but we are adults. It hurts, it bugs me. It's bigoted. I know it comes from a place of pain but I don't like it at all. It's demeaning and disrespectful. If someone had a physical disability and needed help would it be okay to call them a manchild? One lady here has bad knees and needs extra help and can't do some things. Can I call her a little girl? It's just wrong and I don't like it.

how to explain that ADD is not just "I have that too sometimes"


How do you guys deal with people "comparing" themselves to your ADD?  Does it mean they think they have ADD too, that everyone has ADD in some way, or that they don't think my ADD is a big problem because hey, they are dealing with "the same" problem without any medication?  I hear all the time that "Everyone can't focus sometimes."  YES, BUT!  

My experience, as a friend of one with ADHD

I joined this forum because my girlfriend has ADHD, and I’m pretty confused about aspects of our experience together.  As we grew close, I have encountered a level of emotional intensity I have never experienced before. Whenever she “acts out”, she attributes it to her ADHD, and expects me to understand all her behavior for it. The problem I have…her behavior has become extremely intense, directed at me negatively, and puts me in a state of fear, worrying how I will offend her next.

My Psychologist diagnosed my ADHD Husband

I'm a newbie but I have learned a wealth of information here and I thank you all for sharing.  My Husband and I who have been together for sixteen years and married for seven, we separated two years ago due to my fine investigative skills and women's intuition. Needless to say he went on a "date" which he still calls a hangout because he said our relationship was over in his eyes.  So I threw him out and six weeks later I found out he was on and everywhere else actively dating while we were separated.  We continued to be intimate with each other because we felt safe with each othe

Another lovely day in the neighborhood...NOT

So my DH decided to not go to class today because he was too tired, but he was online about 20 minutes after I left the house....yeah he was reallllll tired.  More like he wanted to be on Facebook or talking to his gf more than he wants to pass school.  Not to mention he started an on campus group for the radio and he hasn't shown up for the last two meetings they had (yeah hes the president of the group) because they wont do things his way and hes not seeing this work out the way he wanted.  Or he is having one of the whores from one of the sex dating sites hes on coming over.

What is this?

I am reeling this morning, I just do not know how to cope with this anymore.

The last few days I have been ill with Tonsillitis, really very ill. I have been laid up since Monday. My husband really shone in this time, he cleaned the kitchen, he put me to bed, he rubbed my legs when I had a fever. However, as I got better, his behavior seemed to deteriorate, almost as if, when I was totally dependent on him, it brought out something nurturing. Of course the worm had to turn.

Ouch. Still trying to accept the perceived reality

I am angry.  My ADHD spouse  is sad.

We are both stubborn.

"Look what you did to each other." 

I am still not fully able to grasp this observation.  Am I free from any blame?  No, of course not.  But I am so-o-o struggling with this. . . . .  "Look what you did to each other."  I had really hoped for something else.  I really hoped for - well maybe empathy?  A bitter pill to swallow.  It will not go down. 


I don't want my marriage to end, but understand

We're married more than 15 years. I was diagnosed ADHD 2 years ago, and accepted the diagnosis and meds. After a rough transition, My life has changed for the better in so many ways. My job went from shaky to great, I gave up alcohol, watch my sugar intake, exercise regularly, and always have done my fair share of house chores. It's not enough for my wife. She wants me to suddenly not be ADHD. She wants me to never again make a dumb comment. I'm supposed to become perfect.
