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Consider this......

Every once in a while when I'm feeling really down I look at this site thinking I will find some hope.  Instead I end up feeling even more discouraged.  Even in the 'hopeful' forum - it's all about being hopeful that the ADHD spouse will change and 'get better' and live up to the non-adhd spouse's expectations.  I read how everyone is at their wits end with their spouse and can't take it anymore.  Or how the adhd spouse is making progress but it's such a small step.

Advice needed about finding a way through

Hello everyone, I have been living apart from my long term partner for a year. Although he says he has explored the idea that ADD is behind his increasingly difficult behaviour, I am not sure if he has actually gone all the way down the path to diagnosis and treatment - he appears to keep this secret from me. We parted because I was so stressed I was unable to control my panic attacks and anxiety, as every time I came home from work it was to find something wrong, nothing done, and everyone angry and upset.

what is "ADD"


How are you Dr. Hallowell  I'm a Taiwan peopole (sorry my english is pool)

at time in bookstore I seen your book "Delivered from Distraction" , I found I like a "ADD"  and very interested it ,but in taiwan I can't

search some good for me to very understend about "ADD"  so I sreach about you by web ,I'm so sorry about my english is very bad  but

I really want to know what is ADD and learn how to be better.            very thankyou look my write letter   by Gary Jun in taipei

Need Input! Pivitol counseling session coming up!

Hi…non- ADHD spouse here. I’ve posted a few times on this site and have all I can do to not sign in and read her for hours on end. My husband and I have a very pivitol appointment coming up with our ADHD coach. I say “our” because we use her as a marriage counselor. This meeting is sort of a come to Jesus meeting. I need to communicate some boundries, and other areas of opportunity that need to be dealt with. One of the big things that I’m struggling with his the outside of our home and yard.

Financially supporting ADD boyfriend

Good morning all,

I am new to this site.  I would like a bit of advice.

I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we live together.  He is a contractor and has not been working outside of a few odd jobs here and there.  He has contributed very little to nothing to the household bills.  I pay the mortgage, food, utilities and even pay for vacations etc.  I even had to buy his brother's birthday present yesterday.

Help with Understanding ADHD versus ADD

Hi, I'll start with some background history: I've been married for 5 years now and when my husband and I first met he told me that he was diagnosed with ADD when he was a child but his mom who is diseased now said that he didn't have to take the medication prescribed. In telling me this he also said that nobody in his family knew being his father and his older sister.  I figured he told me because I am his wife, he really didnt get into detail as to why he told me. But reading some of the personal experiences on this website, it seems as though he may have ADHD too or instead.
