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Not sure which category this question belongs in... Is it an ADD symptom to refuse to wait for anything?  We only go out for "dinner" at the mall food court because my guy can't wait 10, 20 minutes for a table... naturally not 45 minutes for a really busy place.  I'd be fine sharing a glass of wine at the bar while we wait.  We've gone to festivals and had to eat kettle corn for lunch because the line for the cajun or bbq was "too long".  Is this ADD or just my guy?

For Sherri

Sherri, I hope I don’t step on your toes here but I’ve been reading quite a number of your posts and have a few thoughts.  They’re a jumble in there so I’m just going to ramble.

I haven’t been dealing with the ADHD thing as long or maybe in as difficult a scenario has many of the others here.  I have dealt with the blame game, the checking out, the inappropriate behaviours with other women, the lack of meaningful communication, not returning calls, the frustration etc., etc.,  and can honestly say we’re  in a really good spot right now. 

tired, sad, angry

Me again,

Is this a normal situation living with an adhd person to feel like it will never get better.  Life will always be hard?  My husband with adhd doesn't seem to realize that the effect on my life has been devastating.  He is even trying to work with his adhd and is newly diagnosed.  But I am so tired and sad and angry!


need adhd spouse to support me against neighborhood bullies

HI Everyone,

I have a neighbor who's kids keep bullying my kids.  My husband has adhd and is successful at work, but works very long hours.  I think the bullies see my house as an easy target since my husband isn't home and the other husbands are.  I am very stressed from having what feels like constant problems in my life.  I handle all the bully encounters on my own and very emotionally.  My husband doesn't step in to handle the bullying and seems embarrassed when I do handle it.  

Feeling lonely and hopeless!

I have been lurking on this website for months and have read more than one post I could have written myself.  I've been married to an ADD husband for 17 yrs.  Things have deteriorated greatly in the past few years.  He is a good provider and we have no financial problems relating to his ADD.  But his attention to our relationship is 0.  We have two boys, 15 and 10.  The 15 yr old is ADD as well.  Hubby had a very dysfunctional upbringing and poor relationship with his mother.  I am now paying the price for that in our home.  I feel that he transfers much of his experience/resentment towards

Hope just getting lost

I feel like this is almost over. Joining the throngs of many.. He is just not changing, his meds are not working, his symptoms (ie his distractibility, memory "fill ins", ANGER) have all been inchanged. His refusal to accept responsibility for any of our problems, refusal to consider changing his meds, and his unending barrage of hate and blame- has gotten concrete not better despkte all my efforts to give him space, be understanding, , work on my low self esteem, etc. I have tried drawing boundaries but he can not or will not respect them.
