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What role does Christian Faith have in your marriage to an ADHD partner? (For those who are Christians)
How are you Dr. Hallowell I'm a Taiwan peopole (sorry my english is pool)
at time in bookstore I seen your book "Delivered from Distraction" , I found I like a "ADD" and very interested it ,but in taiwan I can't
search some good for me to very understend about "ADD" so I sreach about you by web ,I'm so sorry about my english is very bad but
I really want to know what is ADD and learn how to be better. very thankyou look my write letter by Gary Jun in taipei
Good morning all,
I am new to this site. I would like a bit of advice.
I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we live together. He is a contractor and has not been working outside of a few odd jobs here and there. He has contributed very little to nothing to the household bills. I pay the mortgage, food, utilities and even pay for vacations etc. I even had to buy his brother's birthday present yesterday.
I'm not very good at it. I can set boundaries for myself but he always manages to talk me out of them with his anger. He gets angry with me when I say No. He feels like I'm controlling him when all I'm doing is protecting myself. He makes me feel incredibly guilty.
Hi, I'll start with some background history: I've been married for 5 years now and when my husband and I first met he told me that he was diagnosed with ADD when he was a child but his mom who is diseased now said that he didn't have to take the medication prescribed. In telling me this he also said that nobody in his family knew being his father and his older sister. I figured he told me because I am his wife, he really didnt get into detail as to why he told me. But reading some of the personal experiences on this website, it seems as though he may have ADHD too or instead.
Before I came here I would go on other marriage websites and no one understood. I would post my problems and I got standard answers that my husband just needed to "grow up and be responsible." I knew there was more to it than that, but I couldn't explain to them how. All I ever heard was how I needed to divorce my irresponsible husband and move on.
I need some advice. I cheated on my ADHD boyfriend as a result we are no longer together. I am still living with him but in a different bedroom. I know he doesn't want to give up on us and neither do I. Everything became to much for me to deal with and instead of continuing to try and talk to him I made the mistake of kissing his best friend. ( I am now in therapy to work out my own issues) I feel like now we are stuck between loving each other and not wanting to go back to the way things were. We fought all the time about stupid things. To be honest he was very mean to me and I in tu
OK Been a long time stalker of this life saving forum. Such wonderful advice and support is shared. Reading through has talked me off the ledge many nights, but I will sadly say that I am in dire straits with my undiagnosed ADD husband. Although I have given him some self-awareness (along with numerous online tests which he will take and be categorized as "highly likely" for ADD....LOL) his refusal to go for help and possibly get on meds has hit a breaking point in our marriage.