Recent forum posts (all topics)

I give up

At this point, I am just going to throw in the towel.  I give up.  Another day, another bounced rent check.  I give up.  I feel like I've done everything I can do and nothing ever gets better.  He never changes.  If I'm not on my game 24/7 watching and monitoring what he's doing, things get out of control in no time flat.  I'm tired.  I don't want to have to keep track of a grown man's ATM charges.  I don't want to have to be the responsible one all the time.  I tired of always being the one who wants to work on the relationship or get our life back on track after it's been derailed by one

Honest & Positive Feedback/Advice Needed--Dating man with ADD

I met an amazing man in January!  I was separated from my husband & he was in the midst of a divorce.  He owned his own business and seemed to be doing well.   He told me he had ADD, but I didn't see any signs of it other than excitement when telling me about a wonderful vacation trip he took last year.  Hey, I would be rambling and spilling over with excitement too--he went to Hawaii!   For 3 months, he showed all the signs of man head-over-heels in love...

Forgiveness gives Hope

My non-add wife after leaving for two nights came home and forgave her ADD husband.  Walking and thinking during the alone time gave her the chance to think.  When she returned we shared the longest hug in years and sat holding hands, sharing a few tears.  She is wanting to work things out and she said it will take time.  She told me she wanted to "make me pay", but I don't really understand for what I'm being blamed for and to asked would agitate a raw healing nerve.

A break....

I have decided to take a break form here and focus on myself and not my DH's ADHD.  I need to find myself again and although I love you guys to death (YZZ, Sheri, DF......), I just don't think I can do that while being on here every day.  Just know that you all are awesome and the most supportive group on individuals I have ever met and I will be back.  And hopefully it will be in a better frame of mind and with more positives than negatives to share.  Bye for now!

why does it get worse, will it ever get better?

As some of you may heave read one of my earlier posts.  I found out last year that my husband had/and still is having an affair with a former  friend of mine.  It appeared that we were at least making some small steps.  We were at least civil to each other.  I have stepped back and learned so much about ADD (he was just diagnosed this past spring). I understand why he behaves the way he does. I have given him support, space, I do not nag.  I have worked a lot on myself and my bad behaviors.  I do not let him engage me..I have realized it takes 2 to fight.  We have two small boys, one of whi

Laugh or Cry

This happened a few months before I "discovered" adult ADHD.  I got upset with my guy one Saturday-- who can remember why?-- and decided to give him the silent treatment.  Four hours later I ran into him in the kitchen.  He cheerfully asked me "How come you're in such a good mood today?"  I cried at the time, but now, understanding what's going on up there, I'm laughing. 

Angry to hopeful to resentful to rage

I have been pretty hopeful in the past weeks things were starting to get better.  My husband was given Ritalin without the diagnosis he says and it helps but I can't seem to let go of the rage that has built up over the years.  I go from 0 - 120 enraged over even the littlest things. Today I am in full rage and I hate it.  I just want to be happy and enjoy my life but I feel the the kaos that surrounds me is stifling.  My husband has anger outbursts that are scary, well they used to be anyway now I challenge him.

Getting upset with ADD spouse

I've never had a problem letting my husband know what I need and why: "The laundry has to be picked up from the laundry room floor before they deliver the new washer", "I can't do the laundry because I fell in the laundry room, and I have not one pair of clean underwear, so I need you to do laundry", "because you lost your job, I can't get my hypertension meds and I'm going to have another stroke", etc. I often cry when I beg and plead with him to do some small task I can't do. He ignores me.
