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Broke up with Fiance over ADD

As a creative, I always knew I had organizational problems, but it wasn't until I was in a relationship for four years did the accumulation of all of my ADD tendencies take a toll.  I didn't realize it during the relationship but so many of the symptoms fit now that I am about a year away from our break-up and newly self diagnosed with ADD within the last week or so. 

Odd situation.

Ok so many of you may find this humorous, crazy or just unbelievable but I find it utterly confusing!!  My husband usually shaves his head, which I hate because I love it when its a bit longer (like the shortest clipper attachment, before bald).  So last night he tells me he is going to go and shave his head and take a shower..fine whatever do what ya gotta do.  Really I couldn't figure out why he was telling me, well when he came out he had only shaved the bottom half of his head and looked like he had a mushroom on top of his head.  I actually laughed and told him to go finish shaving his

ADHD versus Bipolar

I have been reading this website for a month or so and it has been a bit eye opening and also scary because so many of the posts are similar to my own situation with my husband. My husband exhibits so many of the symptoms of ADHD and has experienced these since childhood. He finally went to see a pyschologist and after completing a couple of hours of testing, basically filling out a bunch of questionnaires and surveys, they diagnosed him with bipolor disorder and not adhd. Now we are super confused, frustrated and really don't know where to go from here. My husband is very discouraged.

:( Having ADHD and getting married seems like a crime!

I am a 25 yr old male with adHd & mild tics, reading this website makes me feel as if I should not ever get married, getting married to someone non-adhd would totally disrupt their lifestyle and would be like a selfish henious crime from my side with smne's life............

Marriage worse after diagnosis and treatment

I am a 41 year old male diagnosed with inattentive ADHD about 6 months ago. Learning this has been such a life altering realization that my impairments are something I can addresstenth the right plan. I have been doing "all the right things": eating better (I lost 20 lbs); drinking alcohol only occasionally; seeing a therapist for anxiety and depression consistently over the 6 months. I had been in therapy many times before but gave up suddenly and with no reason every time. I'm also now on meds to treat the ADHD - Vyvanse mostly with Adderall in the evening when the tails off.

Waiting for DH to make progress in his own therapy, but for how long?

How long do I wait? 

My DH is the ADHD spouse.  He started going to therapy last Nov/Dec and has finally been going regularly for several months.  He is seeing a psychiatrist and is on meds (although that's a whole 'nother story about his resistance to medication, but I digress). 

I feel like nothing is changing.  His behavior isn't that much different.  I am running out of patience.  I feel totally unloved and unappreciated.  I feel like I put out so much in support of him and get very very little in return.


Not sure which category this question belongs in... Is it an ADD symptom to refuse to wait for anything?  We only go out for "dinner" at the mall food court because my guy can't wait 10, 20 minutes for a table... naturally not 45 minutes for a really busy place.  I'd be fine sharing a glass of wine at the bar while we wait.  We've gone to festivals and had to eat kettle corn for lunch because the line for the cajun or bbq was "too long".  Is this ADD or just my guy?

For Sherri

Sherri, I hope I don’t step on your toes here but I’ve been reading quite a number of your posts and have a few thoughts.  They’re a jumble in there so I’m just going to ramble.

I haven’t been dealing with the ADHD thing as long or maybe in as difficult a scenario has many of the others here.  I have dealt with the blame game, the checking out, the inappropriate behaviours with other women, the lack of meaningful communication, not returning calls, the frustration etc., etc.,  and can honestly say we’re  in a really good spot right now. 
