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We are that crazy, screaming, white trash couple!

I cannot believe, the two of us kind hearted, compassionate, intelligent people are where we are today! Our fights are downright mentally and emotionally abusive! We lack respect for one another and the defensiveness on my ADD partners part is freakin' ridiculous! The communication is so lacking its a wonder we haven't seriously lost it by this point.

And now a wonderful note sent to me by my awesome neighbor who WAS a good friend:

Non-ADHD Spouse trying to gain back life...

I am the Non-ADHD partner and have lived with my husband for the past 9 years. I have been "taking care" of him almost from the start, without realizing it until later in the relationship. I knew there was something going on with him, but kind of equated it to him being a Momma's boy or the youngest child. Now years later, I have a lot of anger and resentment towards our situation and have wasted years catering to him like he was a child that I had to pick up and look after.

Parking Tickets - Help!

My husband has ADHD. We are having a problem with parking tickets. He been getting ticket almost every week or other weeks. He doesn't pay them and hide them. I remind him to pay them. First, I get angry for getting the ticket in the first place because of his careless. Then, I said okay you got the ticket and now you need to pay it. He still doesn't do that. By the time I keep reminding him... he gets another ticket. He doesn't work. I am the one end up paying all the tickets with fine.  I need help here. What am I suppose to do? As of right now... we have 2 outstanding tickets.

I could really use some help here

I just wrote this post in another thread and thought it warranted a thread of it's own.  I could really use some help here!


I am feeling VERY disconnected from my wife.  And for me, the most important way to feel connected is through conversation.

I experience all kinds of disconnects when in conversation with my wife:

- I ask a question which she doesn't answer = disconnect

- I am talking about something and I can see she is distracted by the look on her face = disconnect

blaming it on the male and female communication

I've just about given up after thirty years of marriage. His adhd therapist (adhd himself) told him that it's a matter of good communication to solve the problems in our marriage. He says he has no problems with communications at work and other people only with me. My husband believes that our problems stem from the differences in the male and female brain. I agree that with a normal male and female relationship that is true. Men and women approached communicating with different patterns only he doesn't have the "normal" male brain.

Is it wrong for me to want my wife to help me remeber things?

I am the ADHDer in the house and we fight about things a lot but mostly me forgetting. She is aware that I have adhd but I feel that she does not really get it. I just want to know if it is unreasonable for me to ask her to help me to remember important things?

A full year of success and then this....

I apologies in advance for this, but I needed to vetn somewhere and find advice or experience or something.

As some may be aware of they're loved ones who deal with ADD everyday also deal w/ a history of drug addiction or a very bad driving record...and other attached side effects...for my loved one the driving was out of control....We have our daily battles with the ADD as the 'norm' these days but he has done wonderfully in so many other aspects of his life and now it seems like it could come to a screeching halt...

How involved do you get in your mate's treatment?

This seems to be a bit up and down for us and I have a question about this based on my husband's last coaching appt.  First a bit of background.

In discovering that he had a diagnosis of ADD, we worked together very much.  We discussed why we both thought there was a problem.  He definitely thought *something was wrong* with him, and after some time of avoiding it, he did the research and came out saying he thought it was ADD.
