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The non ADD spouse (me) crashes...

What I have been through as a result of the stress is unimaginable as I suffered in silence and at times loudly too.

When my wife received her diagnosis I became euphoric inside.   Finally, a name to this condition.   Wow, made me happy as there is hope with proper treatment.   I wasn't going crazy after all.   I was like the many other men and women affected by the ADD relationship.

I was euphoric, happy, and really felt understood.

Troubled marriage of 7 years....Hypersexuality, Bipolar and ADHD?

I have been married for almost 7 years to a man who was diagnosed as BP and ADHD.  He also has problems with compulsive hair pulling (though he doesn't rip out hairs anymore, he just uses a tweezers on his beard now).  I am a full time nursing student and have two kids 6 and 8.  My husband is a pizza delivery driver and works third shift.  This leaves me to do everything.  I take care of kids 90% of the time, despite I am a full time student and he works less than full time.  I clean and cook, take care of all the bills, kids appointments, kids school things and on top of it he expects sex

My husband was told he has ADD/ADHD but he refuses to take medication for his fear to become addicted... now he wants to divorce

I am 29 years old and I have been married to my ADD/ADHD husband (31 years old) for 7 years now, we have 1 kid together (6) and I have a daughter (10), those kids love him to death, I am in love with him in spite of the fact that he has left us 5 times, the last one lasted one year of separation, now he wants to leave us again, we are crushed...

Major controversy in my house regarding weight loss

I have lost 75+ pounds, to date, since October 2008. I have been in a loosing battle of the bulge most of my life. I was in the first year of a new job, and stress levels were building up in me, so I went to my GP and he put me on an anti-depressant. The Zoloft seemed to help for a month or so, then I was not really sure. I began loosing weight, because of stress mostly, and then anxiety began to follow. In April of 2009 I was sent to a Psychiatrist and the ADHD was diagnosed. At this point I had lost around 40 pounds.

I Lost it Again

Drat.  I lost it again.  I got so angry I yelled at my ADD wife at the top of my lungs.  It was because I am so frustrated that she misunderstands ME.  For one thing, she keeps saying that I blame ALL our problems on the ADD.  I keep telling her I don't - that I think ADD is the cause of maybe 40% of our problems.  No matter how many times I tell her this, when she gets frustrated, she says "You think ADD is the cause of all our problems." 

My three children! Two by birth, the other I married.

After fight number... humm let's see, no I can't tell you because I have lost count it has been so frequent,  my husband's final words to me were, "all I want you to do is read the book".  So a trip to the book store and several online hours later here I am at Dr. Hallowell and Ms. Orlov's door, hoping and praying there is a light in this tunnel and that something is going to help me find the patience to deal and accept that my husband has this diagnosis.

Struggling with lack of results

All progress for us has stopped. I am trying so hard to accept that, as the spouse of an ADDer, I do not matter. All is about him, his meds, his needs, how I speak to him so as not to damage his self-esteem, etc. No one takes care of me. No one cares if I have to climb in and out of my car from the passenger's side because we can't afford to fix my car, and never will.

Dealing with despondency

My husband was diagnosed about six months ago, and has been taking meds, which seems to help.  We have been on a bit of a rollercoaster ride since then - coming to grips with this has not been easy on both of us (not least because for about a year before the diagnosis, I was at my wits' end, and wondering how much more of the marriage I could take). 

I promise

that most of this is miscommunication. I have this boyfriend that I put on a pedestal, or so I do in my eyes. I'm scared he's forgotten me up there. I've been uncontrollable, and in fits of terror and paranoia, I've said things I don't mean. And I've gotten him to the point where he is angry and I don't think he likes me anymore. And I want to say that I promise, how you see me, maybe alot of it is this ADD, but I promise some of it is miscommunication.
