Recent forum posts (all topics)

I always try to do the right thing and then wonder why I bother when H doesn't seem to care!

Yesterday was my company picnic. I asked H 2 weeks ago if he wanted to get off work early and come to it since he only works about 15 minutes away. He said "Nah, you go ahead and go without me. Last time it was kind of boring and you'll have more fun if you don't have to tote me around". Well no, actually it would be really nice to have you there since most people bring their spouses, but whatever. I'm sure he never gave it a second thought.

Epiphany, Realization, Awakenings....stupidity...

I was responding to another post here, and one sentence just seem to write itself, but I had to re-read it a few times... because it was powerful.  Intense...  as in, really eye opening in how simple but how profound it was to my experience.


"Right now - I am making plans for a new life, revisiting dreams I thought I would never get to live because of putting my life on hold for someone who didnt even care enough to read a chapter in a book that could have helped save our marriage. "


Other Possibilities?????

Hello To Everyone!

As a new member to your little community here, I would like to say 'Hello' and to thank you for all of the things that you have written, shared and expressed, that have given a 'newcomer', such as myself, an OVERWHELMING sense of... 'YOU MEAN I AM NOT ALONE???!!!'

I have been married for almost 28 years and have just recently stumbled upon A DEFINITION for just about EVERYTHING that was just SO 'un-explainable'. ADHD!!! I am wondering if the 'veterans' here can answer a question for me...

Helpful in the wrong ways?

New to posting here.  My husband has ADD, I do not.  I could ramble on for hours/days/months about the issues in our marriage, but frankly, you know them.  You live them too.  So I won't ramble on, even if I'd like to.

I am currious if others with ADD partners find that they can be over helpful at times? In the completely wrong ways?

Zapp got me thinking...

Zapp replied to another thread, and it really got me thinking. Its easy to focus on the damage being done to me, to feel the hurt and neglect from his anger transference, from his near constant rejection etc. I know what all of that stems from so I have stood my ground with him, never giving up. And now - for the "who knows how many times" time - he has stated again that he doesnt want to be married. Of course, I am not surprised - a World of Warcraft movie came out, new expansion to the game and all.

Momentary irritation...

You know... The whole smoking thing... All I asked is that he cleaned up after himself.  And he doesn't even bother doing that.  


There are NINE empty boxes on my table on the deck and nasty ashtray.. All getting ready to be blown across the yard.  I have asked so many times to have that taken care of.  

Cooking for a small group - need new strategy

Here is how is has gone for 40 years:  I invite, plan menu, buy groceries for menu, clean house, set table, peel, marinate the meat for the grill, clean up prep mess, lead, take care of the granddaughters while doing this because they usually have stayed overnight.     H is sitting in the garage smoking while I am doing this saying he is "mowing the lawn". People come to the door, he is still smoking until I am ready to call him to say the meat is ready to put on the grill.
