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paranoia and unreasonable arguments

Hi My husband is causing arguments in order to record them without my knowledge and definetly without my permission We split up for 4 months and it would seem from what I'm piecing together he didn't have enough conclusive evidence to take the children (both autistic, whom do not like being with him on their own because of his lack of patience etc.... So he has since his return to the home been instigating arguments and dropping weird and wonderful in factual and some times downright lies in the on occasion I have responded (I'm the one who reacts to the heat of the moment perso

Is the medication going to work?

I'm almost afraid to ask. This is my first time posting, I've lurked here and there, DH was diagnosed ADHD a couple of months ago, we go back to the Dr. next week to discuss treatment. I will be insisting on medication, and filling it 2 seconds after the appointment. If I don't see some change in him, I'm done, I can't do this anymore. Counseling won't work for him, he'll just tell the councilor to go F him/herself. So, my hopes are all on the medications. What are your experiences with them? Good and bad.


Thanks, Jeana

false sense of security--makes me nervous

Has anyone else had this experience with their ADHD spouse?  Things are going well right now...for a while now.  But I just cannot relax into it.  I am only about 85% invested because the other shoe is sure to drop at some point so I have to save a little bit of myself so I won't be totally leveled when the bottom drops out again.  Right now DH is helping around the house a ton, being a great dad, keeping in touch with me when he travels, really all around good man.

His Tantrums are killing me...

"His tantrums are killing me!"   This may seem dramatic but I suspect this group may understand.   Im a newlywed of nearly 3 months.  I knew something was off during our 2 years of dating. I racked my brain, I read, I researched... I called in his mother to help with some of the situations ( big mistake, but I still hold on to the fact that I had no other option at the time).  The issues weren't completely clear.  He was over his head with a failing business, a business that his family, including his brother ran together.

Bipolar 2 & ADHD comorbidity effects on Marriage

When the husband has Bipolar 2 & ADHD that has been untreated until recently, this can cause an unimaginable amount of stress, etc over many years for the wife in a long-term marriage. He also has Oppositional Defiance Disorder.  What type of healing can the wife seek? How can the wife prepare for outbursts due to husbands mood swings?

NVC is helping us

My ADHD partner and I both are reading Non-Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg and it is helping our understanding of each other so much. His ADHD means he is extremely sensitive to criticism. My anger means that I need to be heard around the issues that have plagued our relationship. We are both trying to set aside our egos and working on how we communicate and LISTEN to each other. A year ago, I would have blown off the idea that we need to just work on communication. But NVC finally feels like a communication tool that will actually get us to dealing with the actual issues.

"Devastated by Disapproval"

I read an article this morning in ADDitude that had the physical effect of a sock right in my stomach - it rang so true to my life's experience in my marriage - it made my stomach quite squeezey.

Here is a link - (Admin, if not allowed, I understand if you disable or delete it)  

Second-Guessing & Angry Replies

Hello to all again - splitting off a sub-topic from my first attempt at posting here (which seems to have a ton of new replies since I last checked)...

I find myself stuck in a very deep rut for the last 2-3 years when it comes to saying things to my partner when she's upset, or to keep her from getting upset in the first place. "Second-guessing" was listed as a hurtful pattern in an ADHD marriage, but in my case it goes the other way. Her anger and her instantaneous blow-ups have things stuck in neutral.
