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Living with ADD

Ive seen many comments from spouses & I understand your frustration. But it seems as though some of you think we do things on purpose. I can only speak for myself but I can tell you that being the one living with & having many issues is no picnic. I have ADD, OCD,intermittent explosive disorder & I suffer from anxiety as well as some other issues. I was not diagnosed until I was in my 30s. I had a very hard time staying awake in school much less focusing. Everything just got worse the older I got. I have many trust issues as well.

Distortions In Perceptions and Comunicating

This is a text my wife recieved from her brother telling her that was not going to be joining us for Thanksgiving and gives a brief explanation as to why?  Before I continue with saying anything else...I wanted to put up the text so everyone can read it themselves to get you own first impressions.  Here it is in it's entirety...

"I'm Not Coming."

"I'm Not feeling well."

"XXXX, I'm so sorry, I'm just going to sit here on the couch for a few days ..Okay?

H is seeing all new mental health professionals....

I recently learned about a "neuro-pschologist" in our hometown and asked H if he wanted to see him.  H agreed.  When making the first appt (which will be next week), the office recommended that H see a psychiatrist first to get his meds under control.  Today H saw the psychiatrist.  Yay.   The last time H saw a psychiatrist was when he was in rehab, and H was very dishonest at that time.  


25 years of marriage, and not all of them happy :(

I have a question to ask.

My 25th wedding anniversary is fast approaching. My relationship with my wife has been crap for the past 2-3 years. I have initiated marriage counseling, but my wife refuses to go. She thinks it's nobody elses business but ours. My wife is VERY controlling. I'm willing to make changes and she isn't. She thinks I'm the one with the problem, not her.

Am I in the right for refusing to plan a party for the occation, or am I just being an ass?

Incessant talking

I just wanted to ask for suggestions for dealing with a husband who talks incessantly. My husband is intelligent, reads a lot and even calls himself a compendium of useless information. He knows a lot of big words too.  My husband speaks very loud and his tone is most the time excited. Me, I have misophonia (sensitivity and even hatred of sounds, movement, etc). I enjoy the quiet, music, being laid back. What a combination.

Blended Families and the Holidays

Context: I am the non-ADD spouse.  My husband has been diagnosed, after much resistance, with ADD and was on medication for approximately 2 years.  He went off of his medication about 6 months ago because of increased anxiety.  He didn't tell me.  I thought he was moving into early Alzheimers, very worried and scared.  Lots of increased anger in the relationship from both sides. His side: Increased forgetfulness, inability to stay on task, very long hours at work (1 job)  to accomplish the job.

finally know the truth

I don't need this forum any more guys. I finally know the truth, but thanks for being there for me. My husband FINALLY admitted to me this morning, that he's been in love with someone else ALL THESE YEARS. His old college flame. They talk every once in a while. NEVER LIVED TOGETHER. We are separating and getting divorced. I'm going to live with my daughter. He's been living a LIE all these years on TOP of the ADHD. I am relieved to know I can TOTALLY stop obsessing about ALL THIS JUNK now. He's never been IN LOVE with me, he admits. Well, what about that?
