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ADHD problem? Husband starts tickling me aggressively and won't stop!

My husband will sometimes playfully tickle me but sometimes does it very aggressively to the point where it's super uncomfortable and I can't breath.  I can't get away from him and have to use all my strength to roll off the couch onto the floor and crawl away trying to get away from him. He seems to think it's a game and how I love it and he continues to do it to the point where I have to scream at the top of my lungs to let me go. Sometimes I just scream "911" which makes him immediately release his grip on me and goes "Shhh! Was that really necessary?" YES! Stop means stop!


Hiya, my boyfriend has got adhd/add, I dont know what to do, I have a 9 month baby with him and I've got a 3 year old I've been going out with on and off for 2 years, He brakes promisess and lies to me I dont see him for days at A time and he wont tell me where hes gone cos he wont tell me And he will lie to me when he appears about where he has gone He say he didn't want to do it he just does it and doesnt kno why He gets obsessive with things and you can't stop him When hes nice he is nice and kind and caring but if he is in one Of his moods he is horrible he doesnt care about anyone

Need Help- Pregnant with ADD husband

I don't know what to do anymore. My husband and I have had multiple issues with his ADD in the past. I have dealt with it, accepted it, been a slave to it, worked with it and around it and accommodated for it and everything in between. I have been above and beyond patient with this. He is RARELY patient and understanding with me and how his behavior affects me. To his credit, we have had occasional breakthroughs here and there where he finally admits to how he can see that his behavior makes me feel unimportant and he does apologize for it, and that's all I really want.

Attention: The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves

I think this statement qualifies as flawed thinking.  I've discovered some of my own since I stumbled on this forum which I'm seeing as one more step forward in attempting to find the things about myself that are affected by my ADHD and the parts that are not.  So far.......the ones that are appear to be on par with the ones that are but..... I did come to a few new realizations in both areas of my personality and behavior which I attribute directly from the content I've read here.

Showing appropriate emotions

Another question for all of you. Do those of you with ADHD spouses/ boy/girl/friends notice a difficulty in their ability to express the proper emotion with the correlating words/actions? and do they understand what they are doing with this? My ADHD husband does not show many emotions that I "normally" display with ease, but since he won't discuss it with me, I don't know what to think. Anyway, when your significant other says they "love and appreciate you", is it said with the correlating facial expressions or bodily gestures that typically go with it?

Respect for spouse with ADHD

I am losing respect for my spouse with ADHD. We've been married for over 8 years. He uses ignorant language like calling people or situations "Retarded" and says the F word like it is part of regular speech. It's embarassing to me even if no one is in the room but us- and I cringe when I hear him talk like this. I don't remember him talking like this when we were first together- its like it slowly came out as the years went on. Now that we have an young son, I am especially sensitive to what he says as I don't want my son to think talking like this is ok.



I posted for the first time here 6 days ago. Sorry I didn't get back to the couple of people who posted back but had a chest infection and been laid up. One reply was from someone in a relationship experiencing life with an ADHD partner,not yet with a legal commitment (i.e. marriage) and as yet no children...right or wrong my advice would be to get out now. Time and certainly children will not make things better,just a whole lot worse.

What is it with leaving drawers and cabinets open??!!!

This drives me nuts! He is the cook in the house so I leave him be in the kitchen to make dinner and I am the clean up crew. I walk in the kitchen after he's cooked and the silverware drawer is open along with the cabinet where he got the dishes out. In the bedroom when he takes a pair of socks out of the drawer he doesn't close it.  What is it in their brain that makes it so hard to close a drawer after you open it?

I have to "be nice" but he doesn't?

We have been talking about stuff and it seems to me that he wants me to stop being hurt and angry and be all nice to him, watch my tone, tippytoe around him etc. but he has not tried changing anything for me. He's still ignoring me when I talk to him, still emotionally shutting me out, still accusing me and flipping out at the slightest thing. I don't know why the burden of change is squarely on my shoulders as if my changing will suddenly make him change.

ADHD husband doesn't respond when spoken to

Is this ADHD or something else? When I speak to him, he does not respond. It's like talking to a wall. I wait and wait and wait, then I say, "did you hear me?" and maybe I will get a response, maybe not. Sometimes he will say, "yes, I heard you." and then I have to continue to squeeze communication out like the last bit of toothpaste in a tube. Our discussions are always prefaced with a preliminary period of non communication which sets up the actual conversation:

Me: Hey Bob, what's time is it?

Him: (silence no reaction.)

Me: (waits)

Him: (nothing)
