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I get to be responsible for everything he says/does

I need his income information for our taxes and his father is his employer. He refuses to call his father/job and get the info and since we're traveling we can't access the form that was sent to our home. I asked him to call the job and get it faxed or emailed to us or just ask them the numbers. I am doing my taxes myself (joint), he has not done his for his country yet.

sleep schedules

Here's another question for everyone. My ADHD husband usually never goes to bed before 3 a.m.   I've seen other posts about erratic sleep schedules for those folks who suffer from ADHD, but was just wondering about the rest of you folks here. Are your schedules the same? When we were first married, I used to stay up with my DH so that we could go to bed together and maybe have some romantic time together, because he would never "do it" during the day. (sorry, don't mean to be graphic) But, regardless of how much or how little work he has, he will NOT go to bed earlier.

Yikes! Clearly this is an anti ADHD site...

I was just googling my new medication and I saw an ADHD and Marriage site. I thought that's cool.  Maybe they would have ideas for my and my husband. We are very happily married and he is ok that I come from the "dark side".  I am afraid of some of these comments!  So my "type" shouldn't get married?  Is this an anti ADHD cult?  I would love to chat, but I am afraid!!  Just so y'all know, my type is not evil....  


I have been with my significant other with ADHD for almost 2 years. He recently got back on his meds, so things have been getting a little better. One major issue we have and cannot seem to fix is being intimate together. My spouse has never been in a relationship until we started dating, and has never had any sexual relations with anyone before me. He says he gets major anxiety about doing anything sexual with me and avoids it completely.


I had posted in another thread a few weeks ago that my DH had had a couple job interviews. He got a dream of a job - perfect hours, very nice commute, and really great pay. He has been out of work for more than two years so this was welcome. 

Yesterday he came home early. He had been fired for doing something - he wasn't clear on the details, but he's been fired several times for similar issues (lack of planning and following through, focusing on one small thing and letting really big things fester). 


My partner was lucky enough to be diagnosed with adhd as a child and given concerta to help with symptoms. However over the last few weeks have noticed little things but more often and worse. Over our short time together I knew very little about the condition and still do. I struggle to talk to him about it. He seems unsettled and restless. He assures me he is fine and his tablets are working but refuses to accept there may be problems that we need to face as a couple. A few examples of recent behaviours is snapping in conversation.

Blamed for ADD husband's behavior.

Does anyone else ever get treated as though they are their ADD spouse's mother?  Like friends and family commenting that "you should really make [hubby] eat better," "you should really tell [hubby] to lighten up," "it's really not good for [hubby] to leave his car such a mess, haven't you told him to clean his trash?"  You get the idea; being held accountable for the actions of another adult, as though he is a child you should just be able to make "behave," as though you are not already aware of and distressed by all of these noted deficiencies.  As though you have not TRIED, futilely, to i

Changing Your Self Talk and Setting Boundaries

Discoveries about my ADHD as they apply to me.  This is my new self talk, not my conscience feelings or how I respond to others directly.  It is most decidedly one sided, judgmental and highly opinionated.  It has to be for me to counter the old self talk which focused only on what was wrong with me and believing my problems with others were 100% me, not anyone else.  It also addresses some real life issues that I have encountered with some real life people in my life.  I also find it interesting how from this old self talk, the words coming out of my mouth were closer to ,"this is all abou
