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How can I be consistent in my improvements?

Hi all, I'm an ADHD husband married to the best wife in the world, and I have a very big problem.

Also, I have positively no idea which section of the forum suits better for this, so I will post it here.
This turned out to be a very, VERY long post, so if you don't feel like reading through it, you are welcome to scroll down and check the questions, which are very important for me (well, your answers to them are, definitely).

And I hope I provided enough information here, if I missed something – I'm sorry, still, you are free to ask questions to get more details.

Is this ADHD?

Hi all.

First post here.

Some months ago, my wife was speaking to a new friend who had been diagnosed with ADHD as an adult.  My wife mentioned that maybe she thought she might have it.  We discussed it a little but didn't really explore it much.  I must admit, I was always skeptical of ADHD in the past but I have since been convinced that it is completely and totally real.

Treatment in the United Kingdom

Hi all. My partner and I have just moved from the US to the UK.
I think my partner has ADHD or a related condition. She was never officially diagnosed, but she has all the symptoms (which she manages pretty well, I have to say).

In the US she was using Adderall to get through her work day. She could get it legally prescribed without an ADHD diagnosis, I still don't understand how - I'm not American myself and I'm not familiar with the private system.
Now we moved to the UK, and so the Adderall pump is dry.

How does it work in the UK?


Hi, I am the non-ADHD partner of a severely ADHD, non-managed, non-medicated husband and I'm fast approaching my wits end.

We've been married nearly 4 years and I feel that I was so naive to take on someone with his level of problems. Depressed, obese, long term unemployed. Never had a job. Has all the classic ADHD traits, talks over people, often comes across badly to others, cant finish anything, bad with money, I take on all the responsibility. I'm the sole breadwinner. Im burnt out.

Absolute insanity

First post to this community. 
I am a 2-mos newlywed and only discovered my husband's ADHD a few months before we got married. I had zero idea what adult ADHD was and meant. Zero idea. I can look back now and see why everything got SO bad right after we got engaged and he moved in. Yes, we had difficulties before that but I thought they were just communication problems. 

I destroy myself because my husband has ADHD

Help.  My ADHD husband makes me mad.  We have been married for 3 years.  Our child is 2 years old.  For all the time with him, I experienced lies, lived for a long time with the feeling that I was being deceived (and it proved true), he does not complete anything to the end, he can freeze watching TV, he is very absent-minded, you cannot rely on him - he makes mistakes almost everywhere, he makes impulsive purchases, he interrupts, he does illogical things, I can’t calmly leave him with a child.  From a recent: the child slept in a stroller without a blanket in the evening at + 16c, came fr

Have others have experienced anything like this? Abandoned for affair

I'll try not to go into too much detail because it's been such a wild ride I could easily write a novela about what I've experienced. I will preface to say that I do not think this is all because my former partner has ADHD but I question if the way this all started was due in large part to his ADHD, whether anyone else has experienced anything similar and if my gut is right about what I might expect to come in the future.

I'm so lost....

I am so tired of it seeming like everything is about my ADHD spouse. One little inconvenience to him, and it's "why didn't you help me/do that I was in pain!" but I can be sick, with a broken foot, and it's "can you do this for me?" I just want to be cared for. 

My son (8) has started asking me/telling me to leave/divorce his dad. 

I... I am speechless. 
