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Pretending to pay attention

I'll spare the details and get to the point ... my ADD wife has heard enough times that she doesn't pay attention, doesn't listen, talks over people, etc and she gets that.  However, her strategy now is to "pretend to pay attention."  She'll be watching tv and on the computer and I'll talk to her and she won't look up from her computer or tv (whatever has her attention at that moment) and then when I have finished talking, she'll reply with an inappropriate response or an inappropriate facial expression (in the past she'd simply stay in whatever zone she was in).

Do They Tell You It's Over?

Not sure if this is the right section. I have been in a long distance relationship with  a man with ADHD for almost a year now. Since it is long distance and I would only see him physically once a month or every two months. I didn't really pay too much attention to his flaky behaviors. It was more of a companionship thing for both of us really. We both have some intimacy issues going on and both were working on ourselves after failed marriages. So the set up was perfect. We'd mainly text/email/call most days.

need advice from the guys with ADD

So here is my dilemma.  We have $ problems.  I know what we need to do to get started on the right track.  I go to DH and tell him we got something urgent in the mail and we need to act.  That was Monday morning.  He said we would go over it that afternoon.  Its is Thursday.  Still haven't gone over it yet.  Always happens this way.  And I let things go (which is how we got into the $ mess we are in).  I have been reading and trying everything to help him, me, and our marriage.  In my reading, I come across something a woman wrote that said wives need to support their husbands but not take

In the right place?

I don't know if I'm in the right place because I'm not here due to my husband.  I found this forum after months of searching online for tips to deal with the frustration of my ADHD boss.  Of course, I don't deal with a lot of the issues that a spouse of someone with ADHD deals with but honestly, I don't know where else to turn.  For reasons that are too long to explain, my choices are either to start my own competing business or to just keep working with my boss.  We are both attorneys and he owns the very small law firm where I work.  I'm not in a place to start my own business right now,

Is there more I can do?

I am new here and to ADHD.  I'm feeling really lost and am losing hope.  My husband was diagnosed with ADHD 2 months ago.  He is seeing a psychologist, who specializes in ADHD, once a week.  Of course I never thought that there would be any big changes happening this soon, but I am incredibly worried about his lack of follow-through.  I would have to say that is the biggest issue for me.  I've learned to live with him not finishing chores around the house, forgetting to pay bills, etc. (I have taken over our finances because of that).

So much gear, poor priorities...

So my husband (been living together for two years) has a TON of music gear. Guitars, amps, drums, mixers, you name it, he buys it. I have a special room for his gear, so seeing it around the house isn't an issue (although his other messes...different story all together). I love that he loves playing music, and he's a splendid musician... It's just, he spends ALL of his money on it, and complains when our rent is due, cries when he has to pay bills, complains about being broke. All. The. Time. I should never have agreed to marry him until his finances were in order.

Husband sees no problem with us having 7 cats for the weekend!

We currently have 2 adult cats and my husband has been wanting to get a kitten. I am more than happy with 2 cats but finally after months gave into a kitten. Then his mom tells us she's got a bunch of feral cats on their farm and 5 kittens. My husband then tells me we should get 2 kittens to help her out. I VERY reluctantly agree to 2 kittens. She is driving out to Washington from Iowa to bring them to us. We specifically told her TWO kittens and we picked out the ones we wanted.

If I hear H talk about one more project I am going to explode!

I am beyond my limit of hearing H say that he really wants to do such and such and then never hear about it again. I heard again and again about this firepit area he wanted to do. Well yes he finally did get around to doing it and we have sat out there a total of 2 times since he completed it back in August.

Please help me

My girlfriend and I have been dating for three months now and she told me from the beginning that she suffers from ADHD. She does not currently take any medications or seek any counseling/therapy. The biggest issue is she blames all of her shortcomings on ADHD, which I don't disagree with but it seems to be hurting our once amazing relationship. I am hoping that by stating our issues on here someone may be able to chime in with similar stories or advice that may help. 

